Small Acts of Family Love That Is So Strongly Felt

Indeed we never know what talents God gives to each of us until we put it to good use.

Those who came and had a meal at the canteen on 24 Mar were pleasantly greeted by a beautiful backdrop that reminded us how Jesus sits amongst us, listening to our every conversation and waiting for us to invite Him to join in. Also, looking at the colourful menu, are we more enticed by the drawing or the array of food that was offered?

When I first embarked on this task, I was not sure what would be the outcome. Never did I expect so much love from the parents and children of the Confirmation 3 level. Because of their generosity, we had a 10-course lunch, appealing to the young and the old alike

To encourage fellowship and the joy of giving, many items were sold below cost. The curry puff bought at S$1.50 was sold at a dollar; the cup of healthy fruits with fresh blueberry and strawberry was likewise priced at a dollar; even the sandwiches I buy from the kopitiam was a dollar more than what we sold it for.  

There was also the morning rush for the parents to bring in the food on time; waiting anxiously outside the supplier’s shop to be the 1st customer to pick up the food. Many of them came perspiring in the sweltering heat, some even on foot carrying the heavy trays of food from their home. They each had a heart of gold, smiling as they came and happy to have the opportunity to do their part for the community. Those who could stay to help and partner their children in this work of love didn’t mind whatever station they had to take charge, be it stirring a hot pot of curry for hours or baking the waffle to perfection or even washing the plates silently in the back. Without a single doubt, they are the cheerful giver in 2 Cor 9:7 for “each one has given as much as he has decided on his own initiative, not reluctantly or under compulsion.”

If only you saw the acts of service from the children, you would smile… caring for the old by carrying their food to their seats, clearing the plates once the meal was done and washing the mountains of plates for hours without complaint. Truly, “God will not forget their work and the love they have shown Him as they strive to serve others” to the best of their abilities.

I pray for each and every one of them that “God will enrich them with every grace, so that they will always have enough for every conceivable need and that their resources will overflow in all kinds of good work.”

By Maria Lim 

In the Sweetness of Camaraderie in Christ

“In grassy meadows, he lets me lie. By tranquil stream, he leads me to restore my spirit.” Psalm 23:2

In our hustle and bustle life, we often forget who we are and where we are going. Jesus may beckon us to come away and enjoy time with Him but we will often be reluctant because of the lure of this world and the fear of facing our own giants. This is reinforced by our inner contradictions and the chaotic forces that are all around us and within us. 

A time for solitude and stillness is not always possible in the demands of our daily routine, too. But when we give ourselves that chance to encounter God, we would find Him right there in the midst of our stillness. And when we empty ourselves totally to allow God to fill us, the most unexpected thing can happen.

Taking stock of our lives and peeling off the dead layers help us to change focus and it brings renewed hope to our lives. What we cannot perceive before, the truth becomes clear to us. God seeks to show us that He will always provide for our needs whenever we turn to Him, all He asks is for us to let go of all our attachments and trust in Him alone.  We cannot thank God enough for wanting that relationship with us so much that He would do anything for us.

Also, the opportunity to build bridges always presents itself during camp time.  Making new friendships and deepening relationships….Creating memories together, laughing or crying… Learning from the seniors and admiring their resilience…

So what were we created for—to love others, to help others, to realize that “we are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that we may declare the praises of Him who called us out of darkness into His wonderful light.” 1 Peter2:9

By Maria Lim

In Our Hearts. Purify Me Oh Lord as I Clean our Father’s House!

Praise and worship (p&w) at 8am on 6 Apr at the Jesus Grotto was so powerful as the Holy Spirit led voices and cleansed hearts. We also had a hearty breakfast before P&W, and many have said this Parish Cleaning experience was a brand new experience in CSM and with our Lord!

By Julianne Danielle Lim