On 12th January 2019, the day began with an hour of Eucharistic Adoration at the Warden and EMHC Day of Recollection (DOR) organized by ONE office. We were filled with peace and joy, at being surrounded by the presence of our Lord. Following this, our shepherd, Father Terence led the session with a recollection of Christmas and the humble circumstances under which our Saviour was born to mankind.

Jesus said to his disciples,

“Come and see”

-John 1:39,

This passage was used as the premise the DOR. And when it ended, some of us returned to CSM to serve the sunset EC where we felt connected to God through His Word and the Holy Spirit. It also was the vigil celebration of our Lord’s Baptism!

This involves an invitation beyond participating in our functional work to deliver the Body of Christ, but also…

Build the Kingdom of God

This was last day of Christmas and also our first social function of 2019, we proceeded after EC with several of the RCIA inquirers to the residence of Mary Arokiasamy, and we had a feast of deliciously barbequed food!

The communion we shared was a reminder of how the early Christians shared a banquet with the Apostles, with Father Terence joining us in a night of fun and laughter.