Adoration Room
Where silence speaks, sings and announces the presence of God
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is an intimate encounter with Christ, who is present in such a quiet but powerful way. Just as Jesus speaks silently to our hearts through the Eucharist, so we are drawn to listen and respond to him in the silence of our hearts. And indeed, when we take time for personal adoration, this really should be the dynamic at work.
Lord, I believe in you. Thank you for being present to me. I am grateful that you desire my presence in spite of my sin. Before the foundation of the world you formed me out of nothing in order to be in communion with me. You sent your son to help me understand that no matter the depth of my sin, there is redemption for me. I believe in your love. Therefore, I hope in you…
When I am feeling less able to express myself, I simply return to the traditional forms and pray them as my own prayer or I just sit in the quiet and gently repeat, “I love you Jesus my love. Grant that I might love you always, and then do with me what you will.”
Have you encountered the Lord in a special way in adoration?