Feature of the Week!
All Year Round
Updated: 2 June 2023
Mondays – Fridays
- 6.30 am
- 6.00 pm
For Public Holidays (on weekdays)
- 7.30 am ONLY
- 6.30am (Weekday Eucharistic Celebration)
- 5.30 pm (For the Sunday’s readings)
For Public Holidays (on Saturdays)
- 7.30 am (Weekday Eucharistic Celebration)
- 5.30 pm (For the Sunday’s readings)
- 7.45 am (mandarin)
- 9.30 am
- 11.30am
- 5.30 pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation
30 minutes before the Eucharistic Celebrations
at the following timings:
5pm, Saturday
9am, Sunday
11am, Sunday
5pm, Sunday
Liturgy of the Hours conducted by the Parish on Zoom.
Register with csm.secretariat@catholic.org.sg for Zoom details.
Every Mon – Sat:
- 8.00 am- Lauds Prayer
- 12.30 pm- Mid-day prayer
Every Sun:
- 8.00 am – Lauds Prayer