Priests’ Retreat- 1 to 5 Jul

Fr Terence, Fr John, and Fr Augustine will be away from 1 – 5 July for the archdiocesan annual Priests’ Retreat. There will be no Eucharistic Celebrations on these days. There will be only Communion Service at 6pm during these dates.

Please note that Eucharistic Celebrations are still available on these dates/times: 1 July, Monday at 6.30am and 5 July, Friday after Holy Hour at 8.30pm.

Wedding Bells

Those who desire to enter into the

Sacrament of Holy Matrimony will have to book their wedding dates one year in advance. The booking will be confirmed only when the necessary documents are signed.

Infant Baptism

1st Saturday of Aug, Oct and Dec

Preparation for Infant Baptism
To help families prepare early for their baby’s baptism, we invite pregnant mothers in their second trimester to register with the
Parish Admin Office.


RCIA (Eng) New Process

RCIA is looking for facilitators for the new process. If interested, please email: