Infant Baptism CSM2024-03-23T04:24:09+08:00

Welcome to Church of St Michael’s Infant Baptism

Baptism is a treasure that is found in the Church which calls her to a deeper understanding each time she celebrates as a community. Baptism has the same effect on adults, children as well as on babies.

Infant Baptism Dates – 2024

To raise one’s child in the Catholic faith may be a responsibility, duty or obligation, but it really is a privilege, joy and honor. Our faith is our single greatest treasure, and to pass on the gift of faith is the greatest gift parents could ever give their child.

Becoming the Child of God

As Baptism is the only sacramental way someone becomes a child of God, the Rite of Baptism for children including infants is treated with the same seriousness as that which is given to the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).

CSM’s Infant Baptism Preparatory (IBP) sessions are designed to encourage and inspire all to live the reality of their own Baptisms which is living a meaningful and loving relationship with the Father. The sessions are informative on the first level but seek more to transform the lives of the parents enabling them to be the rich soil where the new seed of faith can nurture.

Parents and Godparents are encouraged to participate in the IBP together, acknowledging their acceptance that the child’s Baptism is the start of a lifelong commitment and both parents and Godparents will be responsible for bringing the child up in the faith. Children up to 7 years of age can join the Infant Baptism.

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Preparing Yourselves For Your Child’s Baptism

The IBP team helps prepare parents and Godparents for the child’s Baptism. 

Infant Baptism Intake Months:

  • March
  • July
  • October

Venue: In Church

For the latest Infant Baptism dates, click here

Preparation Journey:

Four IBP sessions are held before the Baptism.

  • 4 Sessions
  • Rite of Baptism

The 4 sessions cover the significance of:

  • Baptism
  • Advent of a new child
  • The community we live in
  • Sacrament of Baptism
  • Becoming a Godfamily
  • Making God visible
  • Christian parenthood as a vocation
  • The role of Godparents
  • The role of community in your child’s faith formation
  • The practical aspects of what to expect during the Rite of Baptism

Parents and Godparents must attend the preparatory sessions prior to having your child Baptised

At Registration

Here are some key points to note when registering your child for Infant Baptism:

1. Parents

At least one parent must be a practising Catholic.Do register as soon as possible when you are in the family way, I.e. wife is in the second or third trimester. Yes, before giving birth.

2. Godparents

A maximum of two people should be chosen as Godparents (one male, one female)

Godparents must be confirmed, practising Catholics, at least 16 years of age.
As Godparents support the parents in the child’s faith formation, they should be exemplary Catholic Christians who will guide and support their Godchild in the faith.

3. Choosing a Baptism name

The Baptismal name is an initiation for your child into Christian life and identifies the child as a child of God. The Baptismal name you choose for your child should be a Saint’s name, or reflect a Christian mystery or virtue – this will encourage your child to model the virtues of his / her patron Saint or the Christian virtue he / she is named after. Having a patron Saint will also give your child an advocate to intercede for him / her.

Application Process

Step 1: Provide Information: Fill in here, at least one month before the first IBP briefing.

Step 2: To Receive Contact (from IBP team): A member of the IBP team will contact you prior to the first briefing, to confirm all administrative details

Step 3: The following documents are to be submitted to the Church of St Michael via at least one month before Infant Baptism Preparatory sessions commence, so as not to delay your infant/child’s Baptism. Your timely submission is appreciated, thank you.

(1) Child’s Birth Certificate
(2) Parents’ Baptism Certificate
(3) Parents’ Church and Marriage Certificates
(4) Godparents’ Baptism Certificates
(5) Godparents’ Church & Marriage Certificates

Registration for the Rite of Baptism is confirmed upon CSM’s full receipt of the necessary forms and supporting certificates / documents (where applicable).

For more frequently asked questions, you may refer to them here


If you have queries on health precautions, application forms and the Infant Baptism process (Baptism preparation, journey, community formation, Godparents, etc.), do email using the subject heading CSM – Infant Baptism Preparation”.


You may also contact the Parish Office during office hours at 6291 9271.