A few years ago, I chanced upon these two Christian classics, Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawence and Abandonment to Dividend Providence by Jean Pierre De Caussade.  These two books left a deep impression on me as they gave me very practical tips on daily Christian living, despite being written almost three centuries ago.

Incidentally both authors were contemporaries. Jean Pierre De Caussade, a Jesuit, was a spiritual descendent of Brother Lawrence, a 17th century Carmelite lay brother.

Below is a summary of what I had learned.


God has a syllabus for us?

Living in God’s will simply means living out each present moment with quiet acceptance,  fully aware He is with us at every moment. An awareness that everything  which comes our way at every moment, He has allowed it to happen.

He is our Healer and Teacher, He has tailored a special “syllabus” or “prescription” unique to our needs. He knows each of us intimately, so there is no fear that the “syllabus” is beyond our intellect or the prescription does not suit our constitution.


Does our soul need some pruning? Perhaps we need to be weeded of self-centredness or a lack of faith in His providence? 

The master knows. Just as a sick person does not need to know how medicine works in order to be healed,  we do not need to know the “whys”, but to see His loving divine will with eyes of faith and “go out with faith, love and humility” for “Even suffering will be easier when we are with Him but without Him, even the greatest pleasures will be joyless”1

“Sufferings” may come in the form of difficult people, challenging tasks, tight deadlines, etc. which are actually His will in “humble, poor and mean disguises“ and “The deeper the abasement of His entry in such a guise and in secret, the more does the heart become filled with love”. It is like the analogy of one who recognizes that a certain person is the king in disguise. Wouldn’t he treat that person very differently? 2

As each of us is at a different point in our journey, comparison with others becomes no longer meaningful. There is no more need to strive to be better than others. No need to win others’ approval.  With this comes the joy and peace from minding our own business and just offering all our word, thought and deed in humility to Him, “asking that we do not offend Him”.


Weary or bored at a task? 

Brother Lawrence knew that “the more the thing he did was opposed to his natural inclination, the greater was the merit of his love in offering it to God”. 1


In need of wisdom or inspiration?

“We ought to ask confidently for God’s grace in everything we do, trusting the infinite merits of our Lord. … God would never fail to give us His grace”. 1

For God does not look at the magnitude of what we do, but whether we have done it with love.

What good news it is! Every day, even routine tasks, if done mindfully as a love offering to God, can be tools to sanctify our souls. Opportunities for sanctification are no longer just limited to times of retreat or prayer. Any moment when lived mindfully is an opportunity. Even difficult people become tools to help us become better. It is open to all, the young, old, rich or poor, whichever station we are in life so long as we are open to His grace.

“All we have to do is to recognize God as being intimately present within us.” For “If God can find a soul with a lively faith, He pours His grace into it in a torrent that, having found an open channel, gushes out exuberantly”. 1

We simply have to live daily in His presence, lifting our hearts up to him occasionally, a tender look, a heartfelt plea for His grace. It pleases Him when we ask for His help trustfully, like children going to a loving father.

How wonderful is that? It seems almost too good to be true and yet that’s what it is.

In this state of abandonment, it no longer matters what tasks we are assigned, whether our efforts are appreciated or how others  perceive us. There is a sense of freedom and joy from knowing that we are exactly where we are at this moment because God willed it. And since we are within His divine will, He is in control, we just need to cooperate, let him take the driver’s seat.

No job is too difficult or lowly because if He willed it, He’ll give us the guidance or patience to do the job.

I hope to live by these values every day. Suçh that as I lay in my bed at the end of each day, to be able to hear the words in my heart “Sleep in peace, thou good and faithful servant”.


Shared by Rosalind Tjioe, a bookworm and amateur gardener who finds wonder in God’s creation.



1 Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawence

2 Abandonment to Dividend Providence by Jean Pierre De Caussade



