First Reading Jeremiah predicts that the day would come when everybody would know God. It contains great promises concerning the gathering of lsrael. Jeremiah points out the stupidity of the people in thinking they can do as they wish and still expect God to save them.

Second Reading, ln this passage, the writer of Hebrew explains how Jesus humanity makes Him suitable to become the ultimate High Priest of all believer. Part of a priest’s responsibility is offering sacrifice for sins. ln the case of a human high priest, this includes their own moral flaws.

Gospel Reading, think about this for a moment. Bartimaeus was a begger by trade. That how he survived day after day. Survival would have been a big deal. So he could have asked for money, food, or perhaps shelter. But he wanted something more sustainable. “I want to see”;, he had one desire. He did not preface his petition with a list of good work he had done or with any false humanity, he simply expressed to Jesus his desire, and in faith, trusting that Jesus was both willing and able to fulfil it. He said to Jesus, l want to see. Hear Jesus words to him, “Go, your faith had healed you”; and blind Bartimaeus instantly recovered his sight and followed Jesus. Perhaps you are like Bartimaeus, wanting to see, really see. Perhaps you are struggling with the guilt of sin because you have never seen what a relief, what a glory it is, to have God
forgive your sins.

by Francis Lee