To follow Jesus, we should always be ready, just like His first disciples who left everything to follow Him without hesitation. The story of the rich man in Mark 10:17-30 teaches us that our true treasure should be in heaven, not on earth. The rich man was sad when Jesus asked him to sell his possessions and give to the poor, highlighting the spiritual dangers of loving wealth. It’s not wealth itself that’s the problem, but the love of money, as stated in 1 Timothy 6:10: “For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.” This craving can lead people away from their faith and cause much sorrow.

Jesus’ words, have the power to reveal and judge our innermost thoughts and intentions. Nothing is hidden from the Lord. For this reason relying on His wisdom, which is far more valuable than temporary earthly things like wealth, health, and beauty. Jesus’ teachings should guide us like a compass, helping us navigate our journey through life. They should also serve as an anchor, keeping us from drifting away from our faith.

All things are possible with Jesus. He provides the strength and guidance we need to stay on the right path. Our reward is not only in the eternal life to come but also in this life, as we experience the peace and wholeness that come from living according to His teachings.

By Herry Suyanto