In the Gospel passage, Jesus gave us a practical suggestion to seek the treasure that will last. Yet, so often we are blinded by what is in front of us and that causes us to just cave in to that immediate gratification to satisfy ourselves. A nice car, a new phone or the next NETFLIX series and at times, in pursuit for these earthly treasures, we are willing to sacrifice our time and resources and even our loved ones to gain what is deemed important here and now.

“Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you shall eat or what you shall drink, nor about your body, what you should put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?” God tells us to trust Him, trust his providence as He knows our every need. A practical message and yet difficult to practise. Look at the birds in the sky, they don’t sow or reap or gather into barns, yet God feeds them.

Reflecting on this passage brings to mind two questions – what is my attitude towards prayer?  Who do I turn my attention to and the deeper purpose of what I do? I come to realise that I will begin to see the treasure that my heart desires, only if open my heart to trust in God’s providence. The Gospel today tells us that what we value as precious or treasures on this earth is nothing compared with the treasure that God has given us.

We are asked to live righteously in pursuit of the eternal life that God gives us. The life on this earth will pass and whatever possessions that we amassed on earth do too. God reminds us to set our hearts and mind on Him to build his heavenly kingdom first and live for what will last. What is preventing us from seeking this truth? Is it because we are too preoccupied with earthly things that seem more important, substituting the treasures that God has given us with the things that are unimportant. Ironically, we then allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by anxieties and worries over these things.

Let us be sensitive to the presence of God in our lives, our desire to seek the treasure that He gives us. Let us turn to a helpful reminder from St Augustine’s confessions – “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You”.


Written by


(Ministry of Lectors)