The first reading reveals how unscrupulous people treat the poor in the ancient times – ‘Lowering the bushel, raising the shekel, and tampering with the scales’ for financial gains. Fast forward 2000 years later, similar practices abound. The rich get richer and the poor continues to be poor. How is it that these situations persist?

‘Never will I forget a single thing you have done’ – Amos 8:7, reminds us that the Lord has always and will always remember everything that we have done, if we do not repent of our ways.

In the second reading, St Paul instructs us that we should all pray fervently because the Lord ‘wants everyone to be saved’. The act of praying is universal and nondiscriminatory. In so doing there is a glimmer of hope that the world will be a better place. You might ask, “Why is praying for the others, especially those in authority as important as praying for our own petitions?” The Lord will be pleased, and we should pray for the authorities to carry out stewardship, to ensure peace and order in our lives.

The gospel reminds us of being trustworthy. Indeed, we cannot be the slave of two masters; God and money. As the saying goes: ‘The love of money is the root of all evil’. Relationships can be broken because of money and having a lot of money does not guarantee you happiness. On the other hand, having a relationship with the Lord, allows a person to find peace and love that is needed.


Edith Tan

(Ministry of Lectors)