My generation of rebels who grew up with rock band Pink Floyd (“The Wall”) will recall their lyrics of angst against abuse and how bricks were a metaphor for one’s painful experiences, of having to conform to society.

We don’t need no education
We don’t need no thought control…

Those experiencing dark days, then and now, could well identify with the song of being trapped, disconnected, or unimportant.

So when I felt Fr Sam’s fierce rhetoric that we need a wall, the analogy brought to mind thoughts of how there are pros and cons of having walls. Forget Pink Floyd and his bricks of pain. Today we need to build for ourselves a moral and spiritual wall, one ‘no wrecking ball’ in our secular world could easily destroy.


Our Faith Needs a Strong Foundation

For Catholics, our foundation is Christ. In Matthew 7:24-27, Jesus talks about the wise man building his house on rock, not sand. Well, the same applies to our walls. We need to start “laying bricks” in Prayer, Scripture, and the Sacraments. No sandcastles as waves of secular culture could easily wash them away. No “cheap bricks” either. Teach children to value humility over hubris, generosity over greed, and chastity over chasing after fleeting pleasures. These virtues are the sturdy bricks that make your wall resilient to worldly winds.

The Mortar to Hold the Bricks Together

No matter how strong your bricks are, they need something to hold them together—enter the mortar of communication. A Catholic family or community will only stand strong if everyone stays connected, not just to each other but also to God’s love. Without good mortar, your wall will look like one of those slapdash do-it-yourself jobs. So have meals together, talk, listen, and pray together.

Good Maintenance and Filling Those Cracks

Even the best walls develop cracks over time. Sin, misunderstandings, and distractions can weaken our defenses. Regular maintenance is essential to keep our wall strong. Sometimes it’s ‘hard to say I’m sorry’ to those close to you or to say “I’ll make it up to you, I promise to” (thanks Chicago, your lyrics still rock!). Also frequent the Lord’s offer of reconciliation. Think of confession as the spiritual equivalent of spackling paste or putty—filling in the cracks before they turn into gaping holes. How about a fresh coat of grace?


So building a wall for yourself and your family isn’t about shutting the world out; it’s about creating a safe space where faith can flourish and love can grow. With Christ as the cornerstone, virtues as the bricks, and love as the mortar, we can withstand even the strongest secular storms.

Our walls have purpose, so let’s get started. Happy wall-building!


Shared by Karen R-Fong, a wannabe tai-tai who desires to retire in a library of books and to read with our Lord to her last days.


Article was with the help of Generative AI.