This week we are called to remember that we are witnesses to Christ’s resurrection and to recall how our encounter with Christ has brought us joy.


In the first reading, we are called to repentance and to turn to God so that our sins may be forgiven. God forgives all as long as we turn to him. We should rejoice in this knowledge, and spread his loving message to others around us.


In the responsorial psalm, we are reminded that the Lord grants favours to those whom He loves. As witnesses to His resurrection and recipients of his love, living out the Gospel and His commandments ensure that we are kept in His favour.


The second reading calls us to turn away from sin and keep God’s commandments. St. John makes it clear that it is not enough to just “know God”. Instead, we have to live out His commandments by living loving lives. Often this is a challenge, as the temptations of the secular world can be difficult to resist. But we must keep trying to follow the path God has set for us. When we live and obey His commands, God’s love comes to perfection in us. His love and mercy are there as long as we are willing to accept it.


Finally, the Gospel completes this arc of our salvation and repentance by reminding us that we are called to be witnesses to Christ’s resurrection. Jesus asks us to come to Him, for His yoke is easy, and His burden is light (Matthew 11:28-30). It is a personal invitation by Christ to be embraced in His love and to be healed by the power of the Holy Spirit and dwell in His Grace and Mercies. Recognising Jesus in your life requires the Holy Spirit given to us to ignite and shine! It restores the soul with the peace and silence only God can give.


When you have repented from sin, accepted His Truths and commandments, and believe that He died for you while you were still a sinner (Romans 5:8), you will rise with Christ Jesus at his resurrection. Are you ready to fully accept and be resurrected in Christ Jesus this Easter?



Ephrem Music Ministry