We sometimes fail to recognise Jesus as our Redeemer.

He is not the kind of king that we envision – marching in with an army and riding on a horse with a sword in hand – not at all. He didn’t attract attention to himself – His actual self was hidden from most of his contemporaries but only those with faith were able to recognise him.

As we proclaim today that Jesus is our King, our lives too should imitate His. Jesus shows us that we can break through our labyrinth of pain and suffering when we choose to love and love again. Facing our darkest hour should never make us close ourselves in our self-pity or shrink away in embarrassment or personal disgrace. It should never prevent us from reaching out to forgive, help, uplift, reconcile, or give hope to others in need. Uniting ourselves with Jesus on the Cross, we too can love selflessly and deeply.

Jesus’s kind of kingship is different – it is extended to people of all walks of life at all times.

Through His death and resurrection, we are redeemed. We show that we are his followers when we live our lives accordingly.

“In the messianic programme of Christ, which is at the same time the programme of the Kingdom of God, suffering is present in the world in order to release love, in order to give birth to works of love towards neighbour, in order to transform the whole of human civilization into a “civilisation of love”.” (St. John Paul II)

Christ, our King, beckons us to transform our pain and suffering into something good by releasing love so that we can help Him to transform our society into a “civilisation of love”.

In our prayer we ask him “Lord Jesus, help us to see and recognise you despite our busy-ness in life. Help us to be more like you – that you increase and we decrease. Amen!”


With love and peace,

Geraldine & Patrick