Praise & Worship
Sat, 20 July
I will praise you, O LORD, with all my heart; before the gods I will sing your praise. I will bow down toward your holy temple and will praise your name for your love and your faithfulness, for you have exalted above all things your name and your word. When I called, you answered me; you made me bold and stouthearted.
Refreshing the knowledge
of your faith
In the past, every RCIA journey had baptised Catholics who joined in the process to renew their faith through knowledge of the Catholic Faith, Encounters with the Lord and participation in the life of the Church.
St. Michael’s is now offering a different process for any Catholic who wishes to deepen the knowledge of the faith and a broader understanding of how to live the faith in this whole new world.
If you are interested, please sign up with the Parish Admin Office.
The journey will commence 8 August 2024.
Pastoral Meaning of Blessing
Wed, 31 July
St Michael Room
Blessings are called “sacramentals” because they prepare us to receive the grace of the sacraments and help us to grow to be more like Christ (see CCC no. 1670). Find out more at this session. All are welcome!
Registration: : tinyurl.com/CSMTalkonBlessing
Making the Psalms your Prayer Book
Mondays, 1, 8, 15, 29 Jul & 5 Aug
St Michael Room
Share your heart with the Lord, by making the Psalms into your prayer book!
Please click here to register.
CSM Disciples Pathway
For CSM Parishioners Only
We may have on our own gone for several courses and retreats offered in the parish and in the Archdiocese. Do you know where all this is leading to? Would you like to take a pathway of faith and life?
If you are interested, please register to find out more.
Parish Assembly
Sunday, 1 September 2024
9am to 5pm
Catholic Spirituality Centre
We will be having our Parish Assembly on 1 Sep 2024, Sunday. This is a time when we come together as one parish, to learn about our journey and how we have progressed as a parish for the last few years. Together, we also give our thoughts and voices as one community, one parish, to plan, chart and shape our way forward and our focus for the next few years. The venue is the Catholic Spirituality Centre (CSC). We will start with EC at 9 am and will end at 5 pm. Lunch will be provided. As a member of the Church of St Michael family, you are all strongly encouraged to participate in the Parish Assembly so do mark your calendars and we hope to see as many people there as possible.
Please note that on 1 Sep, there will be no 11.30 am EC. In conjunction with the Parish Assembly, we would also like to get your thoughts and sentiments with this quick 3-minute survey – it’s nothing complicated, just do take out your phones now, to scan the QR code/click the link below and complete the survey
Sacerdotal Ordination
Friday, 9 August
Church of the Holy Cross
Dear all, Deacon Andre Tan, Deacon Clarence Yue, Deacon Dexter Chua will have their Sacerdotal Ordination by his eminence William Cardinal Goh, Archbishop of Singapore.
All are invited!
Date: Friday, 9 August 2024
Time: 10 am
Venue: Church of the Holy Cross
Celebrate Deacon Andre’s Ordination
Friday, 9 August
Mount Faber, SAFRA
Deacon Andre invites the parishioners of CSM to his celebratory lunch banquet after his ordination mass.
Do join him to take part in celebrating this joyous occasion!
Date: Friday, 9 August 2024
Time: 1pm
Venue: Mount Faber, SAFRA
Ticket Pricing:
Per Pax $88
Per Table $880
Click here to register
Reaching out to our Gardening Community
Join us as volunteers in our new initiative – Outdoor Gardening. Find out more by sending an email to our Parish Secretariat.
Check out the latest photos
on CSM Flickr Albums
Browse our selection of library books at CSM
with our NEW CSM Library App!
Here’s how to Get Started!
Step 1: Download the App –
Bookshelf-Your Virtual Library
(Available on both App Store and Google Play)
Step 2: Click on the link below
Step 3: Click to Explore the CSM Shared Shelf of over 700 books
Step 4: Interested to borrow a book?
Send an email to csmtrove@gmail.com
or come meet us at our mobile CSM Library
(by the religious stall) on Sundays after 9.30am EC.
@ St Michael’s Patio
Sundays after 9.30am EC
The word, “Xenizo” means “To be received hospitably as an honoured guest,” and that is the name our hospitality ministry has taken. Come and partake of breakfast made with loving hands, at St. Michael’s Patio every Sunday after the 9.30am Eucharistic Celebration. Mingle, fellowship, make a new friend, chat, welcome someone new.
Elisha’s Spring
Mondays to Sundays
7am to 7pm
Monthly Prayers for the Departed
Every 3rd Sunday of the month
Venue: Elisha’s Spring
Dear Brothers and Sisters
Our Parish electricity bill is more than $5,000 every month. In the long run this is not sustainable.
We seek your understanding and cooperation to switch on the lights when you arrive and switch them off when you leave so that we can save on these expenses.
Thank you for your assistance.
Ministry Recruitment
Intercessory Prayer Group
“Intercession is a Prayer of petition which leads us to pray as Jesus did” CCC2634
The Intercessory Prayer group is looking for members to come together to experience the power of collective prayer! We come to pray for others, extending God’s love, mercy and compassion for those who seek comfort, healing and joys before the throne of Grace.
In this season of Advent, what better way to give and show your love for God’s people.
Come join the Intercessory Prayer Group!
Audiovisual (AV) Ministry
JOIN US to create inspiring worship experiences!
Contact our Parish Office.
Comms Ministry And You!
Have you felt the stirring in your heart to bring the Good News to all through your creativity?
From photography to digital art, canva posters to Instagram reels, multimedia videos to podcasts, reflections to reviews, we need you! Come talk to us.
Email: csm.secretariat@catholic.org.sg
Join us as Wardens
When we extend hospitality to others, we’re not trying to impress people, we’re trying to reflect God to them. As we serve our Lord, we may meet someone who really needs a friend…and we can fill that need. Maybe we can make an eternal difference in the person’s life, just because we choose to be friendly and helpful.
We are Recruiting Catechists
Calling all Parents who have young children and those who are endowed in the teaching charism to come forward and serve the Lord.
We are in need of
Trained Special Needs Catechists
Pope Francis has called the Catholic Church to be a welcoming Church. As we welcome our students into our religious education classes, it’s important that we see each one as a child of God with special talents and special gifts; remember that you are seeing the face of Jesus. Teaching religious education is a splendid opportunity to share your love of God and the Catholic Church with your students.
Recruitment of Musicians
Ephrem Music Ministry
Calling all musicians with a willing heart to serve to come forward to join Ephrem Music Ministry.
Lectors Recruitment
Ministry of Lectors is recruiting new members to proclaim the Word of God. If you have a willing heart and a desire to serve the Lord, come join us to be instruments of God and proclaim your faith through HIS Word.
Ministry of Comfort
The Ministry of Comfort brings the Eucharist to the homebound.
Interested to learn more about this ministry and how you can help, Email: csm.secretariat@catholic.org.sg
Outreach to the Poor
Be the Angel
Bringing the joy of Christmas to the residents!
Check out the photos. Click Here.
Around Our Archdiocese
Faith and Personal Worldviews
24-25 August 2024
@ La Salle House
When something moves you, how do you bring it to prayer?
In this retreat, we will reflect on and pray with common K-drama themes–how do they affect us, how do they affirm our worldview or open us to seeing things differently, and how do they strengthen or challenge our faith perspective.
This retreat, therefore, is for the K-drama enthusiast who truly desires to deepen his/her relationship with God, and to “find God in all things.”
Pope Francis’s Visit
Unity + Hope
Additional collections at the Masses on the second weekend of each month from June to September 2024, as follows:
- 8 and 9 June
- 13 and 14 July
- 10 and 11 August, and
- 7 and 8 September.
Pope Francis Singapore 2024 Collection
To help defray the costs of the upcoming visit by Pope Francis, we appeal to your support. Every donation, no matter the amount, will make a meaningful impact to help create a welcoming and inclusive experience.
Please drop your contributions (envelop to indicate: PFS2024) into the donation boxes or Visit www.catholicfoundation.sg/popefrancis2024/ to give online or find out more.
If using Paynow to Church of St Michael UEN: T08CC4028F/ Reference: PFS2024
Archdiocesan Pastoral Council (APC)
has launched the Schema!
The Schema is a document containing the draft priorities and recommendations for our diocese for the next 10 years. It is the result of wide and deep consultation and discernment among the faithful lay, clergy and religious communities.
All are invited to read the Schema, engage in conversations within your parish and communities, and share with us your discernment on it.
The Schema is available on the APC website at https://www.catholic.sg/apc-schema/. There, you can also find a Schema Workbook which provides a guide on holding conversations on the Schema within your community. Scan this QR code to access the link:
Video of the overview of the Scheme:
Journey Together, with Christ
Build the Kingdom of God
Catholic Social Teaching
Versatile Tools by Fr David Garcia
Thursdays 11, 18, 25 July & 1, 8 August
CANA at Catholic Centre
Catholic Social Teaching: Versatile Tools by Fr David Garcia, OP (In-Person at CANA)
What does it mean when the Church says work has dignity? Why is it a problem when managers micromanage their staff? Why do persons with and without intellectual disabilities have equal dignity? What is the problem with both capitalism and communism? What is our duty to the poor and the environment? Why does the Church prefer democracy?
Jesus challenges us in the gospel to interpret the signs of the times. Come and turn to the Church’s social teachings so we can obtain the tools to think about today’s challenges for the church and the wider society we live in!
To register, please click here.
For enquiries, please email Caritas Singapore at mpmc@caritas-singapore.org
Annual Mass by Catholic Nurses’ Guild of Singapore
Sunday, 4 August
Church of Our Lady’s Nativity
This mass provides an excellent opportunity for members of the Guild to come together in faith and fellowship.
It is also an excellent occasion for parishioners and catholic nurses to meet and get to know our community’s dedicated medical professionals and caregivers.
We invite all parishioners to this meaningful celebration, especially those in the medical profession or caregiving roles.
Date: Sunday, August 4, 2024.
Time: 5.00 pm
Venue: Church of Our Lady’s Nativity
1259 Upper Serangoon Rd, Singapore 534795
SFX Major Seminary’s Annual Vocation Retreat
16 to 18 August
SFX Major Seminary’s Annual Vocation Retreat: 16th to 18th August 2024 “Come to the table” Open to all men ages 21-35, be it any stage of your discernment journey.
Priority given to first timers.
Link to sign up here: https://tinyurl.com/SFXMSvoc24
Job Opportunity at St Gabriel’s Foundation!
Social Media & Admin Executive Wanted
This role is pivotal in enhancing our online presence and supporting our administrative operations.
- Social Media & Web Management
- Administration
- Diploma Level (Would be good if it’s relevant to Communications, IT, Media)
- Fresh graduates are welcome
- Singaporeans/PR only
Interested applicants are invited to email their resume to enquiry@stgabrielsfoundation.
PIETA’s Monthly Session
Tuesday | 25 Jun 2024
7.30pm to 9.15pm
Catholic Archdiocesan Education Centre
PIETA is a support group for bereaved parents who have united in faith to seek God’s comfort, wisdom and hope.
The monthly session, run by bereaved parents, is for prayer, reflection and the breaking open of the WORD OF GOD.
We invite any parent who has lost a child (regardless of age and no matter how recent or long ago) to journey together in faith.
Our next monthly session will be face-to-face from 7:30 to 9:15pm on Tue 25 June 2024.
The venue will be at Catholic Archdiocesan Education Centre, 2 Highland Road, unit LG-01, Singapore 549102 (next to the Church of Immaculate Heart of Mary).
Please email us for directions.
Our contact details are
Email: pieta.singapore@gmail.com
Facebook: https://facebook.com/
Website: www.PietaSingapore.org
Encouraged: Weekend Retreat
26 to 28 Jul
LifeSprings Canossian Spirituality Centre
Retreatants are invited on God’s call to accompany and support people, especially their loved ones who are homosexual or transgendered. In the Parable of the Prodigal Son, the father says, “You are always with me, and everything I have is yours.” How can we live and love our loved ones like this father?
Dates: Friday, 26 July (evening) to Sunday, 28 July (afternoon)
Encouraged: Community Open Session
Tuesday | 2 Jul 2024, 7.30pm
The Encourage parents will share their own stories of caring for their own loved ones.
Registrations close on 28 June 2024.
8, 15, 22 & 29 Jul 2024 (Mondays)
Cecil Building
Rev Fr David Garcia will conduct the third segment in the series of talks on the Church’s social teachings and help us to understand how to deal with money as Christians, in a way that fuels the right social development.
Dates: 8, 15, 22 & 29 Jul 2024 (Mondays)
Time: 12.30pm – 1.30pm
Venue: Cecil Building, 137 Cecil Street, #04-01, Singapore 069537
Register: Click Here or scan the QR code to register
Review of Life Workshop
Saturdays, 29 June & 13 July
1.30pm to 5.30pm
CANA at the
Catholic Centre 55 Waterloo St
(Level 2)
How do we allow the Gospel to fill our lives and actions, especially in the context of work?
Join us at CANA over two Saturdays for a guided and facilitated discussion of our work situations and issues using the See-Judge-Act method. Every participant will contribute to enriching the discussions. There will also be a brief session on the Church’s social teachings on work and how to use the Review of Life method.
Register now at https://bit.ly/caritas2024-rol
For enquiries, please email Caritas Singapore at mpmc@caritas-singapore.org
Developing a Discerning Heart (DDH)
Starts 17 August 2024
Agape Village
A 4-part workshop to help leaders develop a discerning heart to listen to God and to themselves, making choices out of an interior freedom and desire to do God’s will. Participants will learn how to recognise the movements of consolation and desolation, and develop greater intimacy with God through their daily conversations with Him.
4 online and in-person sessions starting on 17 August 2024 at Agape Village. $250 per pax inclusive GST.
Go to www.catholicleader.sg to register or find out more.
Surviving Divorce
Starts 9 July
8pm on Zoom
Divorced? Separated?
Catholic Divorce Support Group Singapore ‘s next run of the twelve-week Surviving Divorce program begins on 9 July 2024 at 8pm on Zoom.
The cost of the program for participants is $60 which includes the Surviving Divorce Personal Guidebook and all program materials.
Find comfort and counsel consistent with Catholic Church teachings.
Visit our website https://www.catholicdivorce.sg/events or email us catholicdivorce.sg@gmail.com for more information.
A Day of Recollection: Peace of Mind
Monday, 1 July 2024
Montfort Centre, 624 Upper Bukit Timah Rd
Calling All Educators:
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. (John 14:27)
Peace, more often than not, lives underneath the turmoils and anxieties of our hearts. With the bombardment of social media, we are exposed to more information than we can absorb and more distressing news than we can process. Not letting our hearts be troubled and not being afraid seems to be just impossible. However, Jesus’ prayer for us is not that we be taken out of this anxious world but that we may be protected from all anxiety (cf. John 17:15). How then might we as Christians, remain centred in Christ in the midst of an anxious world?
Register at:
Public Advisory:
Trust Only Official Websites
for information on Papal Visit and Mass
The Catholic Church in Singapore is excited to welcome His Holiness Pope Francis to Singapore.
We have received reports of individuals/groups attempting to phish/acquire personal information by misrepresenting themselves as being associated with the ticketing process for the Papal Mass. We urge the public to remain vigilant and not to fall prey to these scams. Tickets for the Papal Mass, when available, will be free of charge.
Please note that the only legitimate sources for information related to Pope Francis’ visit are our official websites:
- www.popefrancis2024.sg
- www.catholic.sg
- www.mycatholic.sg
- www.catholicnews.sg
- www.catholicfoundation.sg
We strongly advise the public not to share personal information with any other websites or individuals claiming to offer tickets or information about the Papal visit.
For more information on the Papal visit, please visit www.popefrancis2024.sg. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Issued by the Archbishop’s Communications Office
15 April 2024
Catholic Foundation Dinner
Wed 18 Sept
The Catholic Foundation Dinner 2024 will be held on Wednesday 18 September at the Fullerton Hotel Ballroom. This annual fundraising dinner hosted by His Eminence, Cardinal William Goh, Archbishop of Singapore is fully sponsored. All funds raised from the table sales and direct contributions from the dinner will go towards the building of the Catholic Hub.
The future Catholic Hub will be our Archdiocesan spiritual oasis providing the environment, space and facilities for parishes, ministries, organisations and groups to bring about greater communion in mission.
For dinner information, please scan the QR code in the poster above or visit catholicfoundation.sg/cfdinner.
Alternatively, please call 6338-0348 or email cfdinner@catholic.org.sg.
Courses for Migrants
Jul – Dec 2024
Registration for Jul-Dec 2024 courses are open! Pick up new skills such as mobile photography and editing, cooking and many more. Courses are held at the Church of St Bernadette and Agape Village.
For more information, visit rebrand.ly/skillsdevelopmentcourses or scan the QR code in the poster for more details! Registration closes on 26 May.
For any enquiries, please call 6801 7444 or drop us a message on Instagram or Facebook (@acmi.singapore).

Pro-Bono Counsellors
Catholic Family Life
A Heart to Serve – Catholic Family Life (CFL) is calling out for volunteers!
If you have a desire/calling to make a difference and contribute your God-given gifts and talents. Join CFL in volunteering your time by empowering, enriching the lives of our fellow brothers and sisters.
“Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love.” – Mother Teresa
Get in touch with Catholic Family Life to find out more, contact us at 64880278 or email michelle@familylife.sg. If you are interested to volunteer with us, do fill up the volunteer form: https://bit.ly/CFL-volunteer-form and we will get in touch with you.
Down Memory Lane
A Fundraising Dinner
By Catholic Family Life
24 August 2024, Saturday | 7:00pm
Carlton Hotel
A Night of Nostalgic Music, For a Good Cause
Back after 5 years, join us for a night of nostalgic music by your favourite local artists.
Catholic Family Life is thrilled to bring back Down Memory Lane! This special evening promises to be unforgettable, featuring incredible performances by talented local artists singing favourite tunes from the 60s, 70s and 80s.
Get ready to groove to the rhythm of great music, all while supporting a worthy cause!
Funds raised will enable CFL to
- Offer affordable marital, family, child and adolescent therapy to those who need it.
- Conduct research, talks and workshops to help parents detect stress and anxiety in their child, improve their mental health and build more resilient families.
- Support unplanned pregnancies through our Pregnancy Crisis and Support hotline and befriending service.
Register here via bit.ly/DML2024 or scan the QR code in the poster above.
Intercessory Prayers 2024
by Archdiocesan Pastoral Council
Join us to pray for God’s guidance as we discern a 10-year pastoral plan for the Archdiocese.
St Joseph’s Church (Victoria Street) | 9 Apr 2024
Church of the Holy Cross | 3 May 2024
Church of the Holy Trinity | 12 July 2024
St Anne’s Church | 8 August 2024
Church of our Lady Star of the Sea | 6 September 2024
Angelico Art Award 2024
Submission deadline: 15 July 2024
for Catholic parents
A great resource for parents preparing for their children’s baptism as well as parents of children attending catechism classes.
- Our website at https://catholicparents.
online/ - Free downloadable handbooks at https://catholicparents.
online/handbooks/ for Catholic parents to read, reflect, and share with their spouse and other parents within their own cell groups. - Our locally produced YouTube video and audio Podcast channels for Catholic parents. Instructional episodes are vetted by Fr David Garcia, OP to ensure there are no theological errors. Modules include
Foundations of Catholic Parenting
Bonding with Our Children
Sexuality Education
Managing Social Media and screen time
Forming our children in the faith and virtues, and more to come.
The Catholic Hub
Watch the video to learn more about the Catholic Hub
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Our Archdiocese has been working to build a more vibrant, evangelising and missionary Church. In sharing the Good News, we are bringing the hope and love of Christ to vast numbers of people.
Within our Church today, however, there are currently no premises large enough for our organisations and communities to hold their activities on a large scale. After much study, we concluded that the Church’s largest freehold site at 49 Upper Thomson Road could optimally be used to house major Archdiocesan organisations, a convention centre with overnight retreat facilities, a home for senior clergy – and more – for the long-term needs of the Church.
Beyond physical infrastructure, such a Catholic Hub can bring about a greater depth of communion. The facilities and organisations located there will enable collaboration for a more effective witnessing of the Gospel to the people of Singapore and reap economies of scale.
Read more…https://www.catholicfoundation.sg/the-catholic-hub/
Catholic Family Life: Volunteer Recruitment
(Administrative and Reception Support at Counselling Centre)
A Heart to Serve – Catholic Family Life (CFL) is calling out for volunteers!
If you have a desire/calling to make a difference and contribute your God-given gifts and talents. Join CFL in volunteering your time by empowering, enriching the lives of our fellow brothers and sisters. “Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love.” – Mother Teresa
Get in touch with Catholic Family Life to find out more, contact us at 64880278 or email michelle@catholicfamilylife.sg. If you are interested to volunteer with us, do fill up the volunteer form: https://bit.ly/CFL-volunteer-form and we will get in touch with you.
UGAT-ACMI Free Counseling Services
UGAT’s SGot Kita, Kabayan Helpline are available for (Filipino) migrants in Singapore.
SGot Kita, Kabayan is a designated free online helpline developed specifically for migrants in Singapore.
UGAT has counsellors who speak various languages and dialects in the Philippines, such as Tagalog, Cebuano, Bicolano, Bisaya, and Hiligaynon, for those clients who are more comfortable sharing in their own language.
The helpline service is open on Monday – Sunday, 9pm – 12am.
Counselling and Psychological Services
By Clarity Singapore
Learn more: https://www.clarity-singapore.org
Para-Counselling Service
By Catholic Family Life
Need someone to journey with you through the stages and challenges of life? Trained Para-Counsellors are available via Zoom.
Please call 66318963 (Mon – Fri 12pm to 4pm)
Email paracounselling-info@familylife.sg or
Visit https://cpc.familylife.sg/ to book your session.