Today’s readings calls us to live and strive as true disciples of Christ, spreading peace, joy, love and hope to the people whom our Lord sends our way.
The use our tongue could be a weapon of destruction or antidote to a grieving soul. A well-trained tongue is a by-product of well-trained mind.
When we speak to others what are the choice of words? Is it nurturing or breaking their spirit altogether? Let us pause every now and then to reflect on our intentions that drives us to speak and act. Sometimes our speech are driven by what we hear. Therefore, the first reading urges us to train our ear to hear voice of Lord by leading a prayerful life as individual, family and community. Our consistent and eager response to our Lord’s invitation to be his disciples is a path to live free of fear and see opportunities even when there is resistance around us. Our source of joy and hope is in our Lord.
As we journey towards discipleship with our Lord, submission and humility should become second nature. It is a journey of emptying ourselves and listen to him.
Let’s as a community empty ourselves and open our eyes and ear to the lost amongst us as that is what Jesus came to do.