There is much that we can should contemplate about this feast. The Jews, the Chosen People of God did not realise the fulfilment of God our Father’s promise because they had it in their minds that great works of their heroes of the past. They remembered the great works of these heroes but had forgotten that these great feats of theirs was through the finger of YHWH, their God.

They were still waiting for the same kind of king to come. Their minds were fixed on what they Lord should bring into their midst to liberate them once again as in the past. Their minds were closed and therefore did not realise the greater works that the Lord was doing. Our Father sent his Son to liberate us. Who would be better?

The Magi, a learned class of people whose minds were open to seeking knowledge wherever it came from, discovered in the Jewish texts that a Messiah would be born. They were opened to any possibility and they were not believers of the Jewish faith. Sometimes the limited knowledge of our faith that we already possess causes our minds to be fixated on certain ideas and things and impedes us from discovering more about the love of the Lord.

As we celebrate Epiphany, let us remember the search for a deeper relationship with our Father begins with faith and continues to deepen when our minds are opened due to our ever deepening desire to know the mystery of our Lord made flesh for our salvation.