The Taylor Swift craze in Singapore has reached insane levels, with fans reaching great lengths to secure tickets for her concert. However, with ticket prices soaring as high as SGD$ 1228, it’s disappointing that you don’t even meet her in person after shelling out such a vast sum.

But imagine if God held a concert! The best part is that entry is free, and you get to sit in the VIP seat (front seat)! You would meet Jesus Christ, feel His presence, sing your favourite songs, and have a private one-to-one session with Him. You would receive free gifts from Him, and best of all, you would get to meet new friends and form a bonding community. This is what praise and worship is all about.

Before I journeyed into the Catholic Faith (RCIA), I thought only hymns were sung, but one evening, I attended a praise and worship session that blew my mind away! I felt so much joy and gratitude after that session. Prayer is like conversing with God; I even danced, clapped my hands, and praised Him!

Don’t get me wrong; I also used to be a fan of Taylor Swift; “You Belong with Me”, “Gorgeous“, “All Too Well“, and “Bad Blood” are some of my favourites. But imagine if these songs were written about or for Abba (God as Father). It will go like this:
You Belong to Me, my child, my gift to you is Gorgeous. I know you All too Well.

There’s no bad blood except for Christ’s passionate body and blood. Matthew 26:26-28 tells us that Jesus took bread, blessed it, broke it, gave it to His disciples, and said, “Take and eat. This is my body.” He took a cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, “Drink from this, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many so that their sins may be forgiven.”

But above all, the Bible clarifies that “God is love (1 John 4:8).” He loves us unconditionally because He created us. His affection generates and demonstrates love that endures forever (Psalm 100:5).

Imagine if God holds a concert! The price would only be your time, attention, and love. But the experience would be priceless. You would have an ultimate personal encounter experience with GOD. You’d receive free gifts from Him (the gift of life), and you’d get to meet new friends who share your love for Him.

I don’t know about you, I am a fan of God! And I love Him! ❤️

Kit Lee