Luke 2:41-52

The union of man and woman that establishes the family life is a sacred reality given by the grace of God and is at the very foundation of the social order. The family, if bounded in love and in obedience to the Lord of life, will reflect the holiness of the Holy Family, centered on Jesus. There is a need for children to be responsible and obedient to their parents. ‘He who honours his mother is like someone amassing a fortune.’ ‘Whoever respects his father will be happy with children of his own.’

St. Paul outlined the qualities and virtues of an ideal Christian family: “Clothed yourselves in sincere compassion, kindness and humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with one another; forgive each other as soon as a quarrel begins.”

The gospel tells us of the role of parents in bringing up their children. The needs of Jesus are provided for and not his wanted by presenting Him to our Father. When Jesus was missing from their presence, they did their part by searching for him. The readings reminds us that problems and obstacles are inevitable in a family. If the members of the family remain united and courageous, to focus on the problems and not just blame one another, they will overcome the difficulties.

Written by
Vincent Quek