Luke 4:1-13
In the Gospel reading, we see Jesus being tempted, not once but 3 times.
After Jesus’ baptism in the River Jordan, He was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness and
there, over 40 days, He fasted. We were told that by the end of the 40 days, he was hungry. The
devil came to Jesus and challenged him to turn the stone into bread, since he was the Son of God
who undoubtedly will have the power to perform this simple miracle. However, Jesus,
sustained by the word of God, rebuked the devil “Man shall not live on bread alone but on
every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matt 4:4). Let us be reminded that under
times of duress, it is very easy to give in to temptation unless we are grounded in God’s words
and believe and hold firm every word that comes from him.
Next Jesus was brought to a very high place which oversees all the kingdoms of the world and
was offered all authority and splendour if only Jesus bow down and worship the devil.
Oftentimes, when exposed to worldly power and gains, we conveniently submit to their
demands and lose focus that God is the only one whom we should serve and worship.
Not giving up, the devil led him to the highest point of the temple in the Holy City and
challenged Jesus to throw himself down from the temple and God will send angels to his
rescue, since he’s the Son of God. Jesus reminded that we are not to put God to the test even
though we know God’s promises to protect and watch over us. God will keep his promises but
that doesn’t mean that we deliberately test him to see if what He said is true.
In all the temptations Jesus faced, he was sustained by the word of God. He never deviated
from them and held firmly to the message of faith. Even though all the temptations were so
enticing, they have no hold over him, all because the Word of God reigns in his heart and being
and he was not swayed by the perks offered to him.
In Romans (v. 8-9), we are also reminded that the word is near us; it is in our mouth and in our
heart and to those who declare and believe the word of God we shall be saved. Indeed we see
in the temptations faced by Jesus, He was sustained by the Word of God and thus was saved
from falling prey to the devil’s plan.
Shared by Belinda Syn