In this Gospel of Mark, Jesus called to his disciples to rest, for they are like the scattered sheep without a shepherd. We have experienced the barrenness of a busy life, like the Apostles. Jesus invites us to slow down and rest before we breakdown.
Ps 23:1 – “The Lord is my shepherd, there’s nothing I shall want “. We are the sheep to his pasture.
Resting in the Lord is an expression of our faith in Him who is in control of everything.
By his Grace we received salvation through faith, not by our own doing, but it is the gift of God.
Eph2:18 -“ For through him we have access in one spirit to the Father in Heaven.” It is through him that we where we are.
Trusting in the Lord to do the rest is sometimes the hardest thing for us to do because we want to be in control.
Written by: Jane Linda Lim