Rejoice! The King is Coming!

The first reading is a song of praise for the coming of the Kingdom of God. The King is victorious; he is triumphant. He comes to us in humility by riding on a donkey. In ancient times, a king would ride on a donkey to signify that he is coming in peace. He rides a horse to symbolise that he is entering a battle.

Jesus said, “For I have come down from heaven not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me”- John 6:38

Jesus cried out and said, “Whoever believes in me believes not only in me but also in the one who sent me, and whoever sees me sees the one who sent me” – John 12:44-45

Jesus comes in peace for our salvation.

The second reading tells us to live by the Spirit, for the Spirit will bring life to us through Christ Jesus, who came for our salvation. We cannot live by the Spirit if we are not filled with peace. In a fast-paced world that constantly nudges attention, peace is often interrupted. The lack of peace leads to a lack of ability to discern that which is from the Holy Spirit and that which is from an internal turmoil that reverberates with the sounds of the world around.

To have peace is to have faith that all will be well. Even if the wealth that has been accumulated is lost or the loss of a loved one occurs, faith should indicate that all is not lost. This sort of faith leaves a person in peace. It is the kind of peace that Jesus had when the storm was raging all around when he was asleep in the boat. The disciples on the other hand looking around and not at what Jesus was doing began to lose their confidence, faith and eventually their peace in Jesus. The turmoil is the time to turn one’s gaze upon Jesus; something as we all would say, ‘Easier said than done.’ Faith only gets stronger as we put it to good use and as Jesus said, ‘If have faith the size of a mustard seed’ a mountain will be moved.
Do you have the belief to put your faith into action? Living according to the flesh is living a life that is hostile to the Lord.

By: Melissa Law