Like most Singaporeans, I am a foodie. I enjoy a good meal or actually have loved a good meal since young. I could show you my adorable humpty-dumpty childhood figure as proof but luckily we lost most of the black & white photos when we moved house.

So Lent is round the corner. So is fasting.

So do I fast? Frankly, I do so unconsciously. I don’t mean sleeping and thus I am fasting (chuckle) but when I am busy with work, skipping meals happens but that’s not real fasting, right?

And I always thought we had to fast on all the days of Lent. Seems that has been dropped. Where have I been? But anyway, how many of us still try to do this? Now fasting is officially required only on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. And fasting means having one full meal, meatless or not, plus 2 smaller meals that do not equal a full meal. Liquids you could have all day (I will not go into what liquids are permitted). Abstinence from meat is practised only on the Fridays of Lent. Some of you abstain every Friday throughout the year, so how is it more meaningful during Lent? And then you could also consider fasting from distractions like Netflix, social media or negative habits.

So there are the mechanics of fasting. And then there are the origins and purpose of fasting.


Why fast?

Humanity’s “Fall” away from God and into sin began with eating.  God had proclaimed a fast from the fruit of only one tree, the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Gen. 2:17), and Adam and Eve broke their promise. Satan even tempted Christ, saying: “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.”

But Christ said, “Man does NOT live by bread alone.” (Mt. 4:4; Lk. 4:4).  This liberates us from total dependence on food, on matter, on the world.  Thus, for us, fasting is the only means by which man recovers his true spiritual nature.

In order for fasting to be effective, then, the spirit must be a part of it.  Christian fasting is not concerned with losing weight. It is a matter of prayer and the spirit. And because of that, because it is truly a place of the spirit, true fasting may well lead to temptation, and weakness and doubt and irritation. In other words, it will be a real fight between good and evil, and very likely we shall fail many times in these battles.1


So what are your plans this Lent?

A good Lent takes focus and discipline, and it can be easily wasted. Fasting is only one part of preparing ourselves for Easter. It can be a combination of fasting with prayer, volunteerism, retreats (silent or otherwise), alms giving, etc. We may be ambitious and begin with the best of intentions, but they may soon peter out and then like resolutions, we decide we will do better next year.

If you think you will fail in your commitment this Lent, consider smaller achievable goals. Be realistic.

As for me, I take a page from an interesting article about how another religion refrains from complaining during the fasting month to reap its blessings and benefits. It spoke to me.

Do not complain of hunger or thirst, instead one should feel the pain of others who spend each year in this state. Food for many people is a luxury that they can’t afford. Count your blessings. Do not whine about how low your energy levels are or that you are not getting enough sleep. Fix your gaze on God and focus on the bigger picture. Remember what is important and essential during this period. Try and fix a special routine and follow it through. Make Godly affairs your priority and all else will fall into place.

We thank God for giving us yet another chance to create EPIC moments in our faith journey, that we remember His sacrifice, His redemption, His saving grace.


Shared by Karen R-Fong, a wannabe tai-tai who desires to retire in a library of books and to read with our Lord to her last days.



(1) Catholic reflection on Lenten Fasting by Rev. Daniel Merz, a former Associate Director of the USCCB Divine Worship office