The second reading clearly invites us to be cautious of the ways of the world. It is easy to drug oneself with the wine of the world that says ‘We live today and for tomorrow we die.’ The only way out of these distractions is to be rooted in the Word of God.

We are remind to be focused and conscientious to discern whether the way offered is in accordance to God’s will and place emphasis on heavenly things. This is way of living gives glory to our Father.

We are in the world, and integrating into society is a must, but we arenot to be influenced by worldly things to the extent of being derailed from the correct path.

Viewing things from our worldly perspective and values leads us to misunderstand God’s intentions.

Constant dialogue with God through prayer and understanding the Word of God helps clear the mind and heart to follow His ways.

Written by Yvonne Choy