The theme of today’s liturgical readings is ‘Wisdom’.
What is wisdom?
The letter of St James says “…the wisdom from above is first of all pure, then peaceable, gentle, compliant, full of mercy and good fruits, without inconstancy or insincerity.” (3:17) Seeker of true wisdom will find her when we build a closer relationship with God. We can look at things from the view of God instead of our own.
Where does one look for Wisdom? She is hidden in plain sight for those who desire her. That worthy of Wisdom, she will appear to them and guide them in their journey. But today most people seek “earthly wisdom” and “wisdom of men” which are based on human knowledge, seeking goods for self and own committee, moving towards self-centeredness.
In the second reading, St Paul writes to the Thessalonian Christians who are struggling to live out their faith amidst the hostile ambiance of the pagan culture. He advised the Thessalonians to not grieve over their dead but to have hope. He reminds them to focus on God and be prepared for Jesus’s second coming (the Parousia). This message also speaks to us, reminding us to not idle away our time and that we must do daily checks on ourselves – making sure that we live according to scripture and the church’s teachings.
In the Gospel reading, the Lord is the bridegroom, and the time waiting for his arrival is the time he gives to all of us before His second coming. It is a time of watchfulness! Being ready, prepared, and alert is important on this journey to encounter the Lord.
At baptism, we receive the light of faith, and it is our duty to keep the light shining brightly and not let it go off. This is challenging because we tend to be like the foolish bridesmaids, easily distracted by worldly things. To keep the light of faith burning strongly, we must constantly seek to serve God in every person that we cross our paths with, especially in committee. We need to keep our faith alive with prayers, with the sacraments, and doing good deeds. We should be ‘watchman’ for each other, looking out and encouraging each other in the committee, especially those who are weak in their faith or feeling lost. Together we are all ready for the Lord when He comes.
By: Anne Lum