As a Christian, we are all called to be witnesses of Christ through our words and actions. What have I done to be this witness? Some time ago I remember a voice telling me that I should be bold enough to talk about my faith to others whether they be Gentiles or Christians. It was a subtle calling. The direction for me was clear that I should move forward in directing others to a path that would lead them to the Shepherd’s gate. This occurred to me during a time when I had questioned my faith on why there were so many issues with my health.

Baptised, received First Holy Communion and Confirmation at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, I am called to take this path moving towards the call of the Good Shepherd. The call of the Shepherd is strong and loud. Am I open to hear his call?

When I answered the call to move towards him into the sheepfold, I will have to expect many challenges and difficulties in what I can and must do in the world. I have easily fallen and how then can I be called to be his sheep when I am unable to hear him? I turned to his Word, the Scriptures, to direct me towards the sheep pen by doing his work in our Church.

Being open to the Holy Spirit and his promptings, I was gradually directed back to the Good Shepherd and his influence away from my earlier desert life. He appeared to me in a manifestation at a Eucharistic Adoration where a clear image of the Good Shepherd carrying a sheep on his shoulder was before me. There was no error in what I saw, and it was clear enough to lead me to do his Work.

Let the Good Shepherd lead us in our lives here and now.

Written by: Joseph Yzelman & Anne Lum