the Holy Father Francis on
Mondays 6. 13, 20, 27 March
St Michael Room
CSM Disciples Pathway
For CSM Parishioners Only
We may have on our own gone for several courses and retreats offered in the parish and in the Archdiocese. Do you know where all this is leading to? Would you like to take a pathway of faith and life?
If you are interested, please register to find out more.
Donation for the Poor
1st Sunday of every month
Please give generously to the
poor in our community
While almsgiving is most closely associated with Lent, the practice of giving alms can, and should, be a year-round spiritual exercise for all Catholics and Christians. Giving alms is essential to fostering a deep spiritual life because it allows us to step outside of ourselves and focus on the needs of others.
Donating money in addition to our acts of love in almsgiving, can deepen our prayer life and bring a greater sense of meaning to fasting.
Please continue to pray for our
Newly Confirmed!
18 Feb @ Church of St Anthony
More photos of the Sacrament of Confirmation –
On 19 Feb 2023, our newly confirmed youths had a celebration with their family and friends at CSM!
More photos of the Confirmation party –
A big thank you to all who helped in one way or another to support our youths!
Family Camp is back!
Sign Up Today!
The CSM family camp is planned with you in mind. We currently have around 70 parishioners who have registered their interest. For those who wish to find out more or are keen to sign up, pls email the parish admin office:
Those who have indicated interest, the office will reach out to you for details on costs and signing up.
Pls note that the closing date for registration is on 12th March.
Comms Ministry And You!
Have you felt the stirring in your heart to bring the Good News to all through your creativity?
From photography to digital art, canva posters to Instagram reels, multimedia videos to podcasts, reflections to reviews, we need you! Come talk to us.
When should we begin
to prepare for baptism?
It is never too early. During the pregnancy, families should contact the Parish Admin Office to sign up for the Infant Baptism Preparation Programme.
There are 5 formation and preparatory sessions before the Rites of Baptism in the following months:
April 2023
July 2023
October 2023
For more information:
Eisha’s Spring
Mondays to Sundays
7am to 7pm
Our columbarium is now open daily from 7am to 7pm.
Dear Brothers and Sisters
Our electricity bills incurred for the columbarium is more than $5,000 every month. In the long run this is not sustainable.
We seek your understanding and cooperation to switch on the lights when you arrive and switch them off when you leave so that we can save on these expenses.
Thank you for your assistance.
Join us as Wardens
When we extend hospitality to others, we’re not trying to impress people, we’re trying to reflect God to them. As we serve our Lord, we may meet someone who really needs a friend…and we can fill that need. Maybe we can make an eternal difference in the person’s life, just because we choose to be friendly and helpful.
We are Recruiting Catechists
Calling all Parents who have young children and those who are endowed in the teaching charism to come forward and serve the Lord.
Lectors Recruitment
Ministry of Lectors is recruiting new members to proclaim the Word of God. If you have a willing heart and a desire to serve the Lord, come join us to be instruments of God and proclaim your faith through HIS Word.
We are in need of
Trained Special Needs Catechists
Pope Francis has called the Catholic Church to be a welcoming Church. As we welcome our students into our religious education classes, it’s important that we see each one as a child of God with special talents and special gifts; remember that you are seeing the face of Jesus. Teaching religious education is a splendid opportunity to share your love of God and the Catholic Church with your students.
Coro di Velli Angeli Choir
welcomes you!
Recruitment of Musicians
Ephrem Music Ministry
Calling all musicians with a willing heart to serve to come forward to join Ephrem Music Ministry.
Neighbourhood Visits
Our CSM Community visited our surrounding neighbourhoods, going door-to-door to reach out to our fellow Catholics as well as to invite everyone we met to visit our Parish. Our Christmas Celebrations saw several of our neighbours dropping by to enjoy our barbecue and other activities.
Here are more photos of our outreach volunteers:
Our grateful thanks
to our neighbourhood cleaners!
On Saturday, 21 January, the eve of Chinese New Year, our CSM Community reached out to our cleaners with chicken nasi bryani, drinks and some tokens of appreciation for all their hard work in the neighbourhood. They were from the neighbourhoods of Jalan Rajah, Jalan Tenteram and St George’s.
May God continue to bless them in the coming year with His graces, good health, and happiness.
Here are a few photos with our outreach volunteers.
Around Our Archdiocese
Lenten Reflection Booklet
Theme: Centred on the Word
The Office for the New Evangelisation (ONE) has released their annual Lenten Reflection Booklet. Themed Centred on the Word, this year’s booklet invites all families, RCIA groups, ministries, communities, and individuals to put their hands to the plough and prepare their hearts and minds for the Word to be sown in the coming season of Lent (Feb 22 – April 6, 2023) and Easter.
For this Lenten season, we invite you to reflect deeply on the Word, and embark on this Lenten journey today!
This resource is intended for families, RCIA groups, parish organisations and ministries, small Christian communities and neighbourhood Christian communities. It may also be used for individual reflection.
To download, please go to, or
A Slides Version of the entire English booklet is also available in PDF and PPTX formats for presenting in a landscape orientation.
Charities Week 2023
Please support and donate generously towards Charities Week 2023, an Archdiocesan annual fundraising project. Proceeds will enable Caritas Singapore and many Catholic organisations under its umbrella to continue their work in reaching out to those in need. These include the poor, families, youth and children, prisoners, migrant workers, persons with HIV/AIDS, persons with physical challenges, persons with mental health conditions, and overseas humanitarian aid.
Let’s all rise as one. Pick up an appeal envelope and donate with a big heart to let the light of God’s love shine through us. You can mail your donation directly to Caritas Singapore (for cheques only) or drop them at your parish. For walk-in donations to the Caritas Singapore office, please visit us at 7A Lorong 8 Toa Payoh, #04-01 Agape Village, Singapore 319264. For online donation please click:
Your contribution will make a difference in the lives of those in need. For more information, please contact us at 6338 3448 or visit our website at
Module 2 of My Personal Compass 2023
By Rev Fr David Garcia, O.P.
Starts 23 Mar 2023
What is a virtue? Why are virtues so central to the Church’s moral teachings and tradition? How do they help us to become more fully human?
Join us in person at CANA from 23 March onwards as we explore the virtues and why they matter for our happiness.
Module 2 of the 2023 run of My Personal Compass will start on 23 March 2023. It will be held weekly on Thursdays in person from 7:30 to 9:30 pm for six weeks (excluding Holy Thursday).
To register:
For enquiries, please email Caritas Singapore at
for Young Adults, 3D2N
May 12-14, 2023
Venue: Bintan
Take a holiday in a meaningful way in this “play and pray” retreat designed to help us grow & deepen our faith despite a busy lifestyle. Learning from the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, these days introduce experiences on quiet prayer, daily discernment, self-care and a way of finding God in all things and time. Open to all between 21-35 years old. Singles or couples are welcome.
Organised by the Cenacle Sisters.
Details and registration at
Or scan the QR Code below.
3 – 5 Mar 2023
This Lent, we are once again invited to share in Jesus’ suffering in his Cross. Come and enter into the depths of mystery of the Wisdom of God, not in mere philosophy but in carrying the cross (Luke 9:23)
Register early for this Lenten Retreat. For more information please log on to https://www.montfortcentre.
CHARIS have started a campaign to raise money for those who are affected by the Turkey-Syria earthquake. Many are still trying to find their loved ones and seeking medical care for their injuries in Turkey and Syria. Let us continue to pray for those impacted by the earthquake.
*This message is only targeted at Catholics and should not be disseminated outside the Catholic community.
- Please crossed the cheque, payable to “CHARIS HAF”, bearer only (i.e. strike out “Or Bearer”), indicate “Turkey-Earthquake” at the back of the cheque, and send it to:
Caritas Humanitarian Aid & Relief Initiatives, Singapore (CHARIS)55 Waterloo Street#07-02 Catholic CentreSingapore 187954
Shine Retreat
27 Mar 2023
Calling all Polytechnic, ITE and Private diploma students between 16-25 y/o! SHINE is an annual Catholic encounter retreat and the theme this year is “Come seek His face” – Psalm 27:8. Come and avail yourself to the goodness God has in store for you!
Retreat Details
Date & Time: 27 Mar (Mon), 9.30am – 31 Mar (Fri), 6pm (FULL STAY-IN)
Retreat Venue: Office for Young People, 2 Lorong Low Koon, 536449
Retreat fee: $64.80 (incl. 8% GST) [includes a t-shirt] Registration:
If you know someone who is studying in poly, ITE or private diploma, invite them to come and join us for SHINE!
If you have any enquiries, please write to Neumann at
Abilities Beyond Limitations
and Expectations
ABLE is about helping persons with acquired physical conditions such as stroke and traumatic brain injury, and their family caregivers. Please view the video as they are raising awareness of ABLE as well as engaging in fundraising and looking for volunteers too.
Link to videos on ABLE (Click here)
For more information about ABLE, please visit
Theology of the Body
Every Thursday
2, 9, 16, 23, 30 March 2023
8.00 – 10.00pm
Cost: Love Offering (PAYNOW 96493893)
The Apostolate for Catholic Truth (ACT) is organising Theology of the Body Course via ZOOM.
DATES: MONDAYS 13, 20, 27 February & 6 March 2023
TIME: 12.30pm – 1.30pm
VENUE: TPI Building,
62 Cecil Street 6th Floor (in-person only)
We attend Mass every Sunday and often on weekdays too. Do we really understand some of the body gestures that we do and the words that we say? Why do we have to “Amen” before receiving Holy Communion?
Fr Terence Pereira will be conducting a talk “THE EUCHARIST EXPLAINED” and he will share with us some of the historical and theological reasons for what we and the priest will do and say during the Mass. Come and bring your questions!
Click on this link or scan the QR code below to register.
CHARIS’ Overseas Humanitarian Foundation Course
The Overseas Humanitarian Foundation Course is a face-to-face learning experience that allows participants to explore their lives’ faith journeys and answer the call to be living missionary disciples. The course features key speakers like Fr David Garcia, SJ, Khoo Peng Beng, and Kenneth Wambeck. It will be held on 4th March 2023, from 9am to 5pm at St. Joseph’s Institution.
For more information or to register, visit:
10 – 12 Mar 2023
Dates : 10 Mar – 12 Mar 2023 (Friday night through Sunday afternoon)
Prayer Experience Retreat #32
3 – 5 Mar 2023
9am – 6.30pm (Non Stay-In)
FEE: $150 (Inclusive of GST)
Financial Assistance is available!
The Theme, “The Three Ways of the Spiritual Life” traces the whole spiritual journey through the Purgative,
Illuminative and Unitive stages in relation to prayer. This will help participants understand their own journey in order to advance and grow in holiness.
Conducted by Juliana Koh & CSC Retreat Team
For any further queries, please contact us at 6288 7901 / 6858 2716 or email
More information at link below:

The Catholic Hub
Watch the video to learn more about the Catholic Hub
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Our Archdiocese has been working to build a more vibrant, evangelising and missionary Church. In sharing the Good News, we are bringing the hope and love of Christ to vast numbers of people.
Within our Church today, however, there are currently no premises large enough for our organisations and communities to hold their activities on a large scale. After much study, we concluded that the Church’s largest freehold site at 49 Upper Thomson Road could optimally be used to house major Archdiocesan organisations, a convention centre with overnight retreat facilities, a home for senior clergy – and more – for the long-term needs of the Church.
Beyond physical infrastructure, such a Catholic Hub can bring about a greater depth of communion. The facilities and organisations located there will enable collaboration for a more effective witnessing of the Gospel to the people of Singapore and reap economies of scale.
Read more…
AT HOME RETREAT : (2 choices)
A ten-week programme based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, which enables one to know Jesus Christ more intimately in the midst of life’s daily routine. It includes a weekly meeting of faith sharing, daily prayer using Scripture, and spiritual direction. It falls within the Lent season, the retreat theme of “Journeying from Ashes to Easter” would be a timely opportunity for us to deepen our Lenten pilgrimage. By Cenacle Sister Francisca and team.
MORNINGS: 10 Thursdays
Date: 16 Feb – 20 April
Time: 9.30am to 11.30am
Venue: LaSalle Centre- St. Patrick School – 490 East Coast Road
EVENINGS: 10 Thursdays
Date: 16 Feb – 20 April
Time: 7.30-9.30 pm
Venue: Cana – the Catholic Centre, 55 Waterloo St
Contribution: $250.00
For registration: website: or call 92985808
A Call to Action – An Encouragement Note
Catholic Family Life has prepared a Family Card for parishioners to write an encouragement note to encourage and affirm another family if they have been an
inspiration to you in the way they live out their vocation of family life. Raising a family can be challenging and lonely at times, yet families are the very places
we often witness the beauty of love, joy, and sacrifice. Let’s be one community in supporting each other to build love-filled and faith-filled families, affirm a family this weekend! Please do take a card and share your message of love and hope to a family.
“Restore, Rekindle and Renew your marriage at the ME Weekend!”
Marriage is a project to be worked on together and a process of growth. Pope Francis (Amoris Laetitia, no. 218, 221).
Good marriages can always be made better! To deepen your couple relationship, do sign up for a Marriage Encounter Weekend scheduled for 14th – 16th April 2023 by contacting Joe & Reenie at 9670-5390 or email at”

Youthline is an integrated youth service that provides a listening ear and free counselling support for anyone up to 35 years old, regardless of race or religion.
Youthline handled over 175 cases in the first 7 days of its launch on 10th November. Since then, the average daily volume has doubled. There is an urgent need for much more resources, space and professional staff to meet the rapidly growing demand for their services. They are looking to raise $5 million to fund a larger space and more staff to serve the thousands of young people they expect in the coming year.
Your generous support will make a big difference in providing the resources necessary to meet the demand for such a service among many young people in Singapore.
For more information or enquiries, please email or reach out to
Thank you very much for your generosity.
CPS Lunchtime Mass
The Catholic Prayer Society invites all to lunchtime mass at these locations:
Every Wednesday, 12.15pm:
TPI building level 6, 62 Cecil Street
Every Friday, 12.15pm:
- Medical Alumni Association, 2 College Road, Level 1 Theatrette
- One Raffles Quay, level 49 North Tower (starting 14 Oct 22)
More details at:
Catholic Family Life: Volunteer Recruitment
(Administrative and Reception Support at Counselling Centre)
A Heart to Serve – Catholic Family Life (CFL) is calling out for volunteers!
If you have a desire/calling to make a difference and contribute your God-given gifts and talents. Join CFL in volunteering your time by empowering, enriching the lives of our fellow brothers and sisters. “Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love.” – Mother Teresa
Get in touch with Catholic Family Life to find out more, contact us at 64880278 or email If you are interested to volunteer with us, do fill up the volunteer form: and we will get in touch with you.
Youthline – Call for Volunteers
Youthline is launching a dedicated helpline and counselling service for young people up to 35 years of age. Help us make a difference by volunteering today!
You can look forward to:
● Free training and skills development
● Joining our awesome community
● Making a real impact
● Helpline Volunteer
● Pro-bono Counsellor or Para-Counsellor
● Youth Hero
Please visit to sign up now.
UGAT-ACMI Free Counseling Services
UGAT’s SGot Kita, Kabayan Helpline are available for (Filipino) migrants in Singapore.
SGot Kita, Kabayan is a designated free online helpline developed specifically for migrants in Singapore.
UGAT has counsellors who speak various languages and dialects in the Philippines, such as Tagalog, Cebuano, Bicolano, Bisaya, and Hiligaynon, for those clients who are more comfortable sharing in their own language.
The helpline service is open on Monday – Sunday, 9pm – 12am.
Counselling and Psychological Services
By Clarity Singapore
Learn more:
Para-Counselling Service
By Catholic Family Life
Need someone to journey with you through the stages and challenges of life? Trained Para-Counsellors are available via Zoom.
Please call 66318963 (Mon – Fri 12pm to 4pm)
Email or
Visit to book your session.