Given to Gift- 5 Gifts (Piano played by Grace Chan)   What is the title of the music song played on a classical piano by our very own 15 year old parishioner, Grace Chan? Is the music album cover drawn with a digital pen or with colored pencils? Select the 5 Gifts, highlighted in the video, that we can give to others? The winners of this contest will be gifted [...]

By |2021-01-09T10:39:43+08:00December 26th, 2020|Faith Formation, Featured story, Youth and Young Adults, Youth Videos|Comments Off on Given to Gift- 5 Gifts (Piano played by Grace Chan)

How can we adorn our homes to welcome Jesus? – Christmas Tree

When should we put up our Christmas Trees? Generally the tree is not decorated until Christmas Eve as Advent is still a season of penance. As we prepare our hearts to recieve Jesus on Christmas, let us also think of how we can adorn our homes to welcome baby Jesus at Christmas and celebrate the 12 days of Christ coming. [...]

By |2020-12-05T07:01:13+08:00December 5th, 2020|Featured story, Videos, Youth Videos|Comments Off on How can we adorn our homes to welcome Jesus? – Christmas Tree

Bubble Teh-ology

At Church of St Michael's (CSM) parish fest day September celebrations, we express how "I Have Heard' as a parish community in various bold new frontiers. Watch Brian Bartholomew Tan teach us how to make bubble tea and how it relates to our faith! "The circuit-breaker brought challenges that were unprecedented. It felt as if we were in exile. So [...]

By |2020-09-25T01:48:55+08:00September 20th, 2020|Featured story, Videos, Youth and Young Adults, Youth Videos|Comments Off on Bubble Teh-ology

Faith Stories- I Have Heard- God’s unconditional love for me

Justus Ong struggled and ended up in the Accident and Emergency (A&E) unit. Find out how through this, he encountered our Lord. Celebrating God and our parish feast day of "I Have Heard" through bold new frontiers, here is the first showcase of CSM’s "Faith Stories"series!

By |2020-09-24T04:48:07+08:00September 19th, 2020|Featured story, Stories & Testmonies, Videos, Youth and Young Adults, Youth Videos|Comments Off on Faith Stories- I Have Heard- God’s unconditional love for me