Personal Questions- 10 Nov 2019
Have you ever asked a question on the faith with wrong intentions or with a closed heart set in your own ways and thoughts, just to prove your point or discredit believers?
Are you a supermarket catholic?
How do you respond to challenging questions on the faith and its values?
Are you growing your own faith knowledge and in scripture to further the Gospel of Christ or are you stumped?
Personal Questions- 27 Oct 2019
Who are we and how dare we judge other people?
How do we pray? Are we like the tax collector when we pray with a humble and contrite heart or with an arrogant attitude like the Pharisee?
Who is God to us? Speak O Lord, your servant is listening!
Personal Questions- 5 May 2019
Do we let Him restore us?
Do we recognize Him in the people who offer us help?
Or do we let our pride stop us from being humble?
Personal Questions- 24 Apr 2019
The Lord is truly risen, Alleluia. To Him be glory and power for all the ages of eternity, Alleluia, Alleluia!
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
Personal Questions- 14 Apr 2019
After 40 days of conversion and penance, we enter into Holy Week…
Do we approach others with peace and gentleness, sensitivity to their needs?
Who is Jesus to YOU?
Do you believe that he has come to redeem you from sin?
Personal Questions- 7 Apr 2019
What are the sins of others that you are quick to judge but slow to realize in yourself?
How have you condemned others for very things you do, failing to realize that we are all sinners, brothers and sisters on the same journey?
When we have a great log in our eyes, how can we see clearly enough to take out the splinter in our brother’s (Luke 6:41-42)?
Personal Questions- 31 Mar 2019
How many times have we distanced ourselves from God and refused to make amends?
Think how God feels when we move away from Him.
Are we so righteous like the older brother aka Scribes and Pharisees who was fulfilling his responsibilities and following rules just because he had to without love?
Do we celebrate in church the homecoming of Prodigal Sons each week or do we bear resentment towards them?
Personal Reflection- 24 Mar 2019
Do you see the urgency to take steps to change, to direct your hearts towards God?
Are you like that fig tree, when will you bear fruit?
Have you decided on what you will give up or do this Lent? Why wait, what is stopping you from taking action now?
Personal Questions- 17 Mar 2019
Do we climb mountains to get away from the hustle and bustle or the humdrum routines of our life?
Where are your mountains today?
Where do you go to seek an encounter with Jesus?
Is it through prayer, adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, regular Eucharistic Celebrations and retreats?
Personal Questions- 3 Mar 2019
Are we too quick in playing the judge? Who are we to judge and condemn others when God is Love and is quick to forgive us for our own mistakes and sins?
Jesus tells us “Not to judge and condemn others but to forgive and be kind to others”. Ask Jesus to grant you sight and to show compassion to others so that you may “do unto others what you would want to be done unto you”.
Personal Questions- 24 Feb 2019
How many times have you retaliated, when persecuted?
Have you experienced forgiveness from someone unexpected before?
How did you feel?
Are you willing to look beyond your own worries and give concern to those around?
Personal Questions- 17 Feb 2019
Do you hear the calling of Jesus to be His disciple? Have you answered Jesus’ calling?
Do you feel the presence of God in your daily life? Do you lift all things up to God?
At the end of days, what kind of life will you have led? Will you be able to say that you have lived a life of righteousness in the sight of God?
All of us are journeying towards our Father in Heaven. How about we, through our love, build the Kingdom of God right here on earth?
Personal Questions- 10 Feb 2019
Are we ready like Mary to say ‘Be it done unto me according to thy word”?
Can we be obedient like Simon Peter?
Will we allow God to work miracles in and through us?
Personal Questions- 3 Feb 2019
Are we guilty of this? Are we like the citizens of Nazareth, ready to condemn the good works of someone because he does not hold a doctorate degree?
TODAY Jesus is bringing good news to us his children through our priest, through our family members, through our friends.
Do we reject the good intentions of our priests, our family members or our friends because we know them too well?
Let us give them (young or old, rich or poor, educated or uneducated) our undivided attention because God is using them to enlighten our lives.
Personal Reflection- 27 Jan 2019
Does the Holy Spirit direct your life?
Do you read the bible constantly?
What is it that you are seeking in your life?
Personal Questions- 13 Jan 2019
How do we conduct ourselves in the affairs of our community? Have we been inclusive or exclusive in our ways?
Do you want to be become a more effective instrument of the Gospel of peace, mercy and righteousness?
Do you hear the calling of Pope Francis encouraging us to be missionary disciples of the joy of the Gospel (the Gospel is Jesus Christ himself, crucified and risen, who fills us with the fire of the Holy Spirit.
Personal Questions- 6 Jan 2019
Will you allow the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ to dwell in your heart and be the visible sign of God’s love for us in you?
At Epiphany, Jesus manifests/appears to all, do you see the Lord Jesus Christ?
Do you see Jesus in the poor, the hungry, the lonely?
Will you welcome Jesus into your hearts?
Will you accept His Peace and Love? Do you share His Peace & Love with others?
Personal Questions- 30 Dec 2018
As we go through our life stages, do we take our struggles to God our Father?
In what ways can we better handle tensions in the family?
There is a need to recognise the gifts and talents of others. How do families accommodate this recognition?
Personal Questions- 23 Dec 2018
Do you have the same faith and joy in the Christ you see in your neighbours?
Do you know what is in you that makes you blessed and holy?
Do you believe in the Lord’s plan for you?
Do you recognise the movement of the Holy Spirit when you share and pray with your brothers and sisters in Christ?
Personal Questions- 16 Dec 2018
What are the fruits of our repentance?
Are we in the right relationship with God now?
What about the relationship with our neighbours?
How are we preparing ourselves in this season of advent for the coming of Christ?
Personal Questions- 9 Dec 2018
How many times have we ignored “the voice” to repent and turn from our old ways?
Has your behaviour visibly changed since your baptism? Are you willing to re-orient your lives towards God?
Are we eager to prepare the way for our King, while we await for his arrival this advent?
Personal Questions
Are you searching for meaning and purpose? Have you asked why you were created and the point of your existence on earth?
Do you live your life waiting for a cataclysmic sign before you can be convinced that Jesus is coming?
Or do you live each day with the expectation of meeting God anytime, choosing to live in the Kingdom of God every waking moment of your life?
Personal Questions- 25 Nov 2018
Who has reign over my heart?
Do I submit all things for the glory of God?
Am I living for this world or for the world to come?
Personal Questions- 14 Nov 2018
Am I more concerned about the things of this earth or the things of heaven?
Am I preparing for death even as I live life to the full?
Do I put off for tomorrow what I can do today?
Personal Questions- 11 Nov 2018
Do you look for ways to give to the Lord or do you wait to be invited to give?
Does your giving of yourself or the things that you have enable you to grow more in love with the Lord you believe in?
What do you find hardest to give to the Lord?
Personal Questions- 27 Oct 2019
Who are we and how dare we judge other people?
How do we pray? Are we like the tax collector when we pray with a humble and contrite heart or with an arrogant attitude like the Pharisee?
Who is God to us? Speak O Lord, your servant is listening!
Personal Questions- 5 May 2019
Do we let Him restore us?
Do we recognize Him in the people who offer us help?
Or do we let our pride stop us from being humble?
Personal Questions- 24 Apr 2019
The Lord is truly risen, Alleluia. To Him be glory and power for all the ages of eternity, Alleluia, Alleluia!
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
Personal Questions- 14 Apr 2019
After 40 days of conversion and penance, we enter into Holy Week…
Do we approach others with peace and gentleness, sensitivity to their needs?
Who is Jesus to YOU?
Do you believe that he has come to redeem you from sin?
Personal Questions- 7 Apr 2019
What are the sins of others that you are quick to judge but slow to realize in yourself?
How have you condemned others for very things you do, failing to realize that we are all sinners, brothers and sisters on the same journey?
When we have a great log in our eyes, how can we see clearly enough to take out the splinter in our brother’s (Luke 6:41-42)?
Personal Questions- 31 Mar 2019
How many times have we distanced ourselves from God and refused to make amends?
Think how God feels when we move away from Him.
Are we so righteous like the older brother aka Scribes and Pharisees who was fulfilling his responsibilities and following rules just because he had to without love?
Do we celebrate in church the homecoming of Prodigal Sons each week or do we bear resentment towards them?
Personal Reflection- 24 Mar 2019
Do you see the urgency to take steps to change, to direct your hearts towards God?
Are you like that fig tree, when will you bear fruit?
Have you decided on what you will give up or do this Lent? Why wait, what is stopping you from taking action now?
Personal Questions- 17 Mar 2019
Do we climb mountains to get away from the hustle and bustle or the humdrum routines of our life?
Where are your mountains today?
Where do you go to seek an encounter with Jesus?
Is it through prayer, adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, regular Eucharistic Celebrations and retreats?
Personal Questions- 3 Mar 2019
Are we too quick in playing the judge? Who are we to judge and condemn others when God is Love and is quick to forgive us for our own mistakes and sins?
Jesus tells us “Not to judge and condemn others but to forgive and be kind to others”. Ask Jesus to grant you sight and to show compassion to others so that you may “do unto others what you would want to be done unto you”.
Personal Questions- 24 Feb 2019
How many times have you retaliated, when persecuted?
Have you experienced forgiveness from someone unexpected before?
How did you feel?
Are you willing to look beyond your own worries and give concern to those around?
Personal Questions- 17 Feb 2019
Do you hear the calling of Jesus to be His disciple? Have you answered Jesus’ calling?
Do you feel the presence of God in your daily life? Do you lift all things up to God?
At the end of days, what kind of life will you have led? Will you be able to say that you have lived a life of righteousness in the sight of God?
All of us are journeying towards our Father in Heaven. How about we, through our love, build the Kingdom of God right here on earth?
Personal Questions- 10 Feb 2019
Are we ready like Mary to say ‘Be it done unto me according to thy word”?
Can we be obedient like Simon Peter?
Will we allow God to work miracles in and through us?
Personal Questions- 3 Feb 2019
Are we guilty of this? Are we like the citizens of Nazareth, ready to condemn the good works of someone because he does not hold a doctorate degree?
TODAY Jesus is bringing good news to us his children through our priest, through our family members, through our friends.
Do we reject the good intentions of our priests, our family members or our friends because we know them too well?
Let us give them (young or old, rich or poor, educated or uneducated) our undivided attention because God is using them to enlighten our lives.
Personal Reflection- 27 Jan 2019
Does the Holy Spirit direct your life?
Do you read the bible constantly?
What is it that you are seeking in your life?
Personal Questions- 13 Jan 2019
How do we conduct ourselves in the affairs of our community? Have we been inclusive or exclusive in our ways?
Do you want to be become a more effective instrument of the Gospel of peace, mercy and righteousness?
Do you hear the calling of Pope Francis encouraging us to be missionary disciples of the joy of the Gospel (the Gospel is Jesus Christ himself, crucified and risen, who fills us with the fire of the Holy Spirit.
Personal Questions- 6 Jan 2019
Will you allow the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ to dwell in your heart and be the visible sign of God’s love for us in you?
At Epiphany, Jesus manifests/appears to all, do you see the Lord Jesus Christ?
Do you see Jesus in the poor, the hungry, the lonely?
Will you welcome Jesus into your hearts?
Will you accept His Peace and Love? Do you share His Peace & Love with others?
Personal Questions- 30 Dec 2018
As we go through our life stages, do we take our struggles to God our Father?
In what ways can we better handle tensions in the family?
There is a need to recognise the gifts and talents of others. How do families accommodate this recognition?
Personal Questions- 23 Dec 2018
Do you have the same faith and joy in the Christ you see in your neighbours?
Do you know what is in you that makes you blessed and holy?
Do you believe in the Lord’s plan for you?
Do you recognise the movement of the Holy Spirit when you share and pray with your brothers and sisters in Christ?
Personal Questions- 16 Dec 2018
What are the fruits of our repentance?
Are we in the right relationship with God now?
What about the relationship with our neighbours?
How are we preparing ourselves in this season of advent for the coming of Christ?
Personal Questions- 9 Dec 2018
How many times have we ignored “the voice” to repent and turn from our old ways?
Has your behaviour visibly changed since your baptism? Are you willing to re-orient your lives towards God?
Are we eager to prepare the way for our King, while we await for his arrival this advent?
Personal Questions
Are you searching for meaning and purpose? Have you asked why you were created and the point of your existence on earth?
Do you live your life waiting for a cataclysmic sign before you can be convinced that Jesus is coming?
Or do you live each day with the expectation of meeting God anytime, choosing to live in the Kingdom of God every waking moment of your life?
Personal Questions- 25 Nov 2018
Who has reign over my heart?
Do I submit all things for the glory of God?
Am I living for this world or for the world to come?
Personal Questions- 14 Nov 2018
Am I more concerned about the things of this earth or the things of heaven?
Am I preparing for death even as I live life to the full?
Do I put off for tomorrow what I can do today?
Personal Questions- 11 Nov 2018
Do you look for ways to give to the Lord or do you wait to be invited to give?
Does your giving of yourself or the things that you have enable you to grow more in love with the Lord you believe in?
What do you find hardest to give to the Lord?
Personal Questions- 28 Oct 2018
Do we seek the Lord for what he can give us or do we seek the Lord for who he is?
How deep is your desire for the Lord?
Are we running away from our sufferings or are we embracing the cross?
Personal Questions- 5 May 2019
Do we let Him restore us?
Do we recognize Him in the people who offer us help?
Or do we let our pride stop us from being humble?
Personal Questions- 24 Apr 2019
The Lord is truly risen, Alleluia. To Him be glory and power for all the ages of eternity, Alleluia, Alleluia!
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
Personal Questions- 14 Apr 2019
After 40 days of conversion and penance, we enter into Holy Week…
Do we approach others with peace and gentleness, sensitivity to their needs?
Who is Jesus to YOU?
Do you believe that he has come to redeem you from sin?
Personal Questions- 7 Apr 2019
What are the sins of others that you are quick to judge but slow to realize in yourself?
How have you condemned others for very things you do, failing to realize that we are all sinners, brothers and sisters on the same journey?
When we have a great log in our eyes, how can we see clearly enough to take out the splinter in our brother’s (Luke 6:41-42)?
Personal Questions- 31 Mar 2019
How many times have we distanced ourselves from God and refused to make amends?
Think how God feels when we move away from Him.
Are we so righteous like the older brother aka Scribes and Pharisees who was fulfilling his responsibilities and following rules just because he had to without love?
Do we celebrate in church the homecoming of Prodigal Sons each week or do we bear resentment towards them?
Personal Reflection- 24 Mar 2019
Do you see the urgency to take steps to change, to direct your hearts towards God?
Are you like that fig tree, when will you bear fruit?
Have you decided on what you will give up or do this Lent? Why wait, what is stopping you from taking action now?
Personal Questions- 17 Mar 2019
Do we climb mountains to get away from the hustle and bustle or the humdrum routines of our life?
Where are your mountains today?
Where do you go to seek an encounter with Jesus?
Is it through prayer, adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, regular Eucharistic Celebrations and retreats?
Personal Questions- 3 Mar 2019
Are we too quick in playing the judge? Who are we to judge and condemn others when God is Love and is quick to forgive us for our own mistakes and sins?
Jesus tells us “Not to judge and condemn others but to forgive and be kind to others”. Ask Jesus to grant you sight and to show compassion to others so that you may “do unto others what you would want to be done unto you”.
Personal Questions- 24 Feb 2019
How many times have you retaliated, when persecuted?
Have you experienced forgiveness from someone unexpected before?
How did you feel?
Are you willing to look beyond your own worries and give concern to those around?
Personal Questions- 17 Feb 2019
Do you hear the calling of Jesus to be His disciple? Have you answered Jesus’ calling?
Do you feel the presence of God in your daily life? Do you lift all things up to God?
At the end of days, what kind of life will you have led? Will you be able to say that you have lived a life of righteousness in the sight of God?
All of us are journeying towards our Father in Heaven. How about we, through our love, build the Kingdom of God right here on earth?
Personal Questions- 10 Feb 2019
Are we ready like Mary to say ‘Be it done unto me according to thy word”?
Can we be obedient like Simon Peter?
Will we allow God to work miracles in and through us?
Personal Questions- 3 Feb 2019
Are we guilty of this? Are we like the citizens of Nazareth, ready to condemn the good works of someone because he does not hold a doctorate degree?
TODAY Jesus is bringing good news to us his children through our priest, through our family members, through our friends.
Do we reject the good intentions of our priests, our family members or our friends because we know them too well?
Let us give them (young or old, rich or poor, educated or uneducated) our undivided attention because God is using them to enlighten our lives.
Personal Reflection- 27 Jan 2019
Does the Holy Spirit direct your life?
Do you read the bible constantly?
What is it that you are seeking in your life?
Personal Questions- 13 Jan 2019
How do we conduct ourselves in the affairs of our community? Have we been inclusive or exclusive in our ways?
Do you want to be become a more effective instrument of the Gospel of peace, mercy and righteousness?
Do you hear the calling of Pope Francis encouraging us to be missionary disciples of the joy of the Gospel (the Gospel is Jesus Christ himself, crucified and risen, who fills us with the fire of the Holy Spirit.
Personal Questions- 6 Jan 2019
Will you allow the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ to dwell in your heart and be the visible sign of God’s love for us in you?
At Epiphany, Jesus manifests/appears to all, do you see the Lord Jesus Christ?
Do you see Jesus in the poor, the hungry, the lonely?
Will you welcome Jesus into your hearts?
Will you accept His Peace and Love? Do you share His Peace & Love with others?