Lenten Reflection – Mon to Sat
Time: 7pm
We also come together as a community to share a meal. Please bring a small dish/meal for two.
Stations of the Cross – all Fri
Morning: 7am after 6.30am Eucharistic Celebration
Evening: 7pm after 6pm Eucharistic Celebration & Lenten Reflection at 6.45pm
There will be no Holy Hour on Fridays during Lent
Holy Week & Easter Schedule
Palm Sunday- 14 Apr
Time: 8am (Mandarin), *10am & 5.30pm (English)
*There will be a procession around the church for the 10am Eucharistic Celebration starting from the grotto of the Sacred Heart.
Holy Thursday- 18 Apr
Time: 8.45pm (English)
Please note that there will be no Eucharistic Celebration at 6.30am and 6pm.
The Adoration Room will be CLOSED from 7.30pm on Maundy Thursday to 7.30am on Easter Sunday
Good Friday**- 19 Apr
Office of the Dead: 7.45am
Good Friday Services: 9am (Mandarin), 12 noon and 3pm (English)
Stations of the Cross : 2pm (English)
** The car park will be closed from 12 noon to 3pm on Good Friday
Holy Saturday- 20 April
Time: 8pm (English)
We invite you to decorate your own candle and bring it for the celebration. We will be providing candles for those who do not have their own candle.
Easter Sunday- 21 April
Time: 8am (Mandarin, with Baptism): 10am & 5.30pm (English)
Vespers: 4.30pm