Fallen Tree 

On 5 Aug 2018, a tree from our Church compound fell and landed on St Michael’s Road causing the road to be temporarily closed by the Authorities. With the help of the Authorities, NParks assisted to remove the trunk and its parts. We are taking the necessary steps to look at the current trees around the Church and seeking the needed professional help to review these trees. We will update on the appropriate recommendations on the remaining tall trees in the coming weeks

Important Notice to Parishioners

It has come to our attention that external individuals have been visiting our church premises to sell gift items/food/books etc. They are not authorised and parishioners are advised not to patronise them.

Marriage Encounter (ME) Weekend – 7 to 9 Sept

The programme is focused on building a better communication between spouses and enhancing their married life.  Please keep the 20 couples from CSM in your prayer.

Venue : Marriage Encounter House

RCIA Journey (English) – Begins 25 Oct, Thursday

A new process will begin. Do speak to your non-baptised friends and bring them to RCIA