Note to Parishioners
It has come to our attention that external individuals have been visiting our church premises to sell gift items. They are not authorised and parishioners are advised not to buy anything from them.
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary – (Day of Obligation)
14 Aug, Tuesday (Vigil) Time: 8pm
15 Aug, Wednesday Time: 6.30am and 8pm
There will be no 6pm Eucharistic Celebration on both days
Evening Brew – 17 Aug, Friday
There will be NO session on this day, the next session will be on 15 Sep
GIFT (Giving in Faith & Thankfulness) campaign – 18 and 19 Aug
Contributions to GIFT will help others encounter the love of Christ through numerous archdiocesan organisations and building projects of the archdiocese.
More info is available at:
Marriage Encounter (ME) Weekend – 7 to 9 Sep
The programme focuses on building a better communication between spouses and enhancing their married life. This weekend is booked for 20 couples from CSM.
More information:
RCIA Journey (English) – Begins 25 Oct, Thursday
A new process will begin. Speak to your non-baptized friends and bring them to RCIA