Pray for our Confirmands

– Confirmation Camp

(31 Aug to 2 Sept)

God our Father, grace our confirmands with an outpouring of Your Holy Spirit, that they may love You, the teachings of the Catholic Church, and their neighbour. Empower them with the swords of piety and purity, charity, hope, and faith, and shield them with the Gospel of Peace and Truth. Give them good faith communities to journey in and help them to shine forth with the light of Christ from within.

Bible Study – Genesis Part 2 – 7, 14, 21 Sep, on Fridays

The Bible Study sessions will resume on the Fridays of 7, 14, 21 Sep.

Time: 7.30pm to 10pm                    Venue: Worship Hall

Register: At the booth on level 1 after all Eucharist Celebrations

Holy Hour – 7 Sep, Friday

Time: 7.30pm

Eucharist Celebration: 8.30pm

There will be no 6pm Eucharist Celebration on this day.

Parish Cleaning Day – 8 Sep, Saturday

Come help us spruce up our Parish for our Feast Day! Bring your cleaning items; Join us!

Time: 8.30am onwards

Evening Brew – 15 Sep, Saturday

It is time to kick back, relax with a drink, and talk about theology.

If you have any question on any aspect of our faith and practices, bring them to this casual Q & A Discussion Gathering.

Time: 7.30pm                           Venue: Outside St. Michael’s Room

Feast Day Triduum – 26 to 28 Sep Wednesday to Friday

During the three days of the Triduum, there will be the recitation of the Chaplet of St. Michael at 7.30pm before the Eucharist Celebration at 8pm.

(26 Sep) Day 1’s Theme:  Know Our Faith

(27 Sep) Day 2’s Theme:  Faith to Serve

(28 Sep) Day 3’s Theme:  Faith to Share

Feast Day and Consecration of Altar – “Vibrant in Faith” -29 Sep, Saturday
Archbishop William Goh will celebrate our 57th Feast Day Eucharist at 5.30pm. His Grace will also consecrate our altar. A light dinner will follow after this celebration.

Parish Feast and Fair – 30 Sep, Sunday

To close our Feast Day celebrations, come join the festivities, food, and games at our Parish Feast and Fair after the 10am Eucharist Celebration.