Prayer for Planning Retreatants

(Parish Planning Retreat 5 to 7 Oct)

Let us Pray for the retreatants and let them have an open heart to draw themselves close to the Lord. Help them embrace one another, similarities, differences, concerns and joys in One Church.

Keep them healthy, rested and full of peace from beginning to end. Amen

Feast Day Triduum – 26 to 28 Sep Wednesday to Friday

During the three days of the Triduum, there will be the recitation of the Chaplet of

St. Michael at 7.30pm before the Eucharist Celebration at 8pm.

(26 Sep) Day 1’s Theme:  Know Our Faith       Celebrant: Fr. JJ Fenelon

(27 Sep) Day 2’s Theme:  Faith To Serve          Celebrant: Fr. Valerian Cheong

(28 Sep) Day 3’s Theme:  Faith To Share         Celebrant: Msgr Ambrose Vaz

Feast Day and Consecration of Altar – “Vibrant in Faith” – 29 Sep, Saturday
Archbishop William Goh will celebrate our 57th Feast Day Eucharist at 5.30pm. His Grace will also consecrate our altar. A light dinner will follow after the celebration.

**No morning Eucharist Celebration from 26 to 29 Sep, Wednesday to Saturday

Parish Feast and Fair – 30 Sep, Sunday

To close our Feast Day celebrations, come join the festivities, food, and games at our Parish Feast and Fair after the 10am Eucharist Celebration.

Evening Brew – 19 Oct, Friday

Please join us for a evening where we kick back, relax with a drink and talk about theology Faith and practices. This is a casual Q&A discussion.

Venue: Outside St Michael’s room

Lumen Gentium Part II – beginning 26 Oct, Friday

Delve deeper into the Vatican II documents in this second part series!

Venue: Worship Hall