Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion

They took branches of palm and went out to receive him, shouting: ‘Hosanna! Blessed is he who is coming in the name of the Lord, the king of Israel’ – John 12:13

Just like the days of old, we waved our palm branches in remembrance of Christ’s entry into Jerusalem for the completion of the Paschal Mystery. Father Terence explained the significance and solemnity of Holy Week and invited everyone to take full part in the celebration before blessing the palms. Together as one, we made our Palm Sunday procession with faith and hope in our hearts. The voices of the choir and parishioners echoed throughout the church, proclaiming Jesus as our Messiah and King.

By Charlene Sng

Around the Neighbourhood

Bethany Prayer Group gathered for an annual luncheon two weekends ago at Quan Yin Yuan restaurant, where 50 members and friends of the Bethany Prayer group immersed in fellowship. Both Father Terence and Father John joined in the gathering and six birthdays were celebrated at the same time!

Bethany Prayer Group prays for the deceased and comforts families in their bereavement. Unlike other ministries, Bethany Prayer Group have many friends, who aren’t members, but yet still come together to pray for souls and pray with their families

As many friends share Christ’s love with those who are grieving a loved one with prayers at wakes and support at funeral masses, a special bond amongst members and friends of the Bethany Prayer Group is formed. Another special part of Bethany Prayer Group is that sometimes members of  other ministries also come together to pray for the deceased.

This lunch together was an opportunity to thank everyone for their willing hands, to serve together at funerals and not forgetting the canteen too!

Raymond Quah, shares that what touches his heart is the warmth and humility that many have. And like many others, he too had encountered such moments through the different prayer sessions, wakes, funeral masses they go to together.

If you have a calling to share Jesus’ love and comfort with those you meet in times of bereavement, please contact Raymond at 9007 3437 to find out more.

By Julianne Danielle Lim

Sec 3 Confirmation Camp

Our L9 catechism class comprising 16 youths had their first overnight retreat for their confirmation camp at the Choice Retreat House in Jurong West from the 16 to 18 March. This is the first retreat programme organised by our parish priest, Fr Terence, together with a team of our own youths and youths from the Church of St Anthony as facilitators. The young ones had a fun time enjoying the ‘Rubbish game’, which was used to signify our tendency to protect our identity, resulting in use ‘throwing’ our baggage at others around us.

The sessions also revealed a sense of purpose, their identity as children of God to the youths, and the enormous love God has for them. There was positive feedback from their parents as they could see the a difference in their children when they returned home. Additionally, through this retreat, the youths have bonded with each other and delved deeper into their spiritual lives. As a catechist, I am heartened to see them mature spiritually in their prayer life. The youths are looking forward to the next retreat with Fr Terence from 31 August to 2 September.

By Thomas Sinnappen

Tips to Better Love your Spouse

Have dinner together and pray together

A couple/ family that eats and prays together stays together

Prepare to love your spouse at all times

Love is more than feelings, it is a decision

Fill your love tank for each other

Remove clutter  from your lives and drop the need to think everything is important. Focus on the things/ people that matter.

Love your children unconditionally

Spend time with them especially on weekends. Pope Francis encourages us to ‘waste’ them with our children

Make a lot of noise together

live, love, laugh

Create a loving and welcoming environment for your spouse

We all want to come home to a loving spouse/ family especially at the end of a busy day of work/ looking after kids

Listen to each other

Listen to hear and taste the feelings. And be present as you listen. One of the biggest communication problems today is we do not listen to understand. We listen to reply.

Make each evening special

It is a sacred time to be enjoyed with both, by both. Share what you are grateful for and give thanks.

#CoupleGoals #FamilyGoals

The home is the domestic Church. Every home is called to become a ‘domestic church’ in which family life is centered in the lordship of Christ and the love of husband and wife mirrors the mystery of Christ’s love for the Church, his bride- Pope Benedict XVI (7 Feb 2007).

Tips inspired by Love, Daily Lessons from God and Worldwide Marriage Encounter Singapore