Theme : Kingdom Of God
Genesis 1 reminds us of God’s intention and desire for creation. He observes that “it is not good that man should be alone”. Hence, he attempts to find a helper. This is a gift from God alone in which the rib built for man was used lovingly to shape a second human being called woman. Male and female are both created to be equal and, in the likeness, and image of God. The imagery of “bone from bone” and “flesh from flesh” reflects the bond present between man and woman as special, strong and equal.
Hence, God’s divine purpose of forming both male and female from the beginning of creation reflects his teaching of marriage. It is to be a lifelong and a permanent union between man and woman. He says, “A man leaves his father and mother and joins himself to his wife and they become one body” and “What God has united man must not divide”. Marital union is another wonderful gift that we receive from God. In the first part of the Gospel (Mark 10:2-16), the Pharisees approached Jesus and asked him if it is permissible under God’s law for a married couple to divorce. Jesus draws a clear distinction between divorce and highlights the importance of permanency that God wills for marriage. The second part of the Gospel reminds us how we need to accept the kingdom of God like a child. One of the child-like qualities that we need to possess is “dependence” on him, his love, and his Word. To become children, we first need to acknowledge that everything that we have and need comes from God.
In the second reading, we see Jesus made a little lower than the angels for a time and for a reason. For by his death upon the cross and the price he paid on behalf of every man he was crowned with glory and splendour and exalted to the greatest of heights.
For marriages to be a lifelong commitment, we need to follow this example of Jesus to lower ourselves to our spouses for the salvation of both husband and wife. Jesus showed humility in becoming a man. It is an example that husbands, and wives need to follow in order for love to grow. Suffering purifies one’s love with patience, fortitude and hope.
Written by
Ephrem Music Ministry