This week, we celebrate Holy Week to re-enact and relive in events that culminate in the Passion and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus after 40 days of conversion and penance. The practice began as early as the 4th century in Jerusalem and was then carried to the rest of the world.
We begin our celebration with Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem, a fulfilment of Zec 9:9. Luke begins his narrative with Jesus riding on a donkey, a type of royal transportation of that age, which is a symbol of kingship, peace and not hostility. Do we approach others with peace and gentleness, sensitivity to their needs?
St. Josemaría Escrivá wrote in his book “The Forge” (381)
“Continue thinking about the donkey’s good qualities and notice how in order to do anything worthwhile, it has to allow itself to be ruled by the will of whoever is leading it… On its own the donkey would only… make an ass of itself.”
He requests of us to pray “Dear Jesus”, you too should say to him, you have made me be your little donkey. Please don’t leave me and I will stay with you always. Lead me, tightly harnessed by your grace. You have led me by the halter, make me do your Will. And so I will love you for ever and ever.”
The people looked to Jesus as a political king and not a spiritual saviour from the heavenly kingdom. In the other Gospels, the word “Hosanna” is used to welcome Jesus with great joy and exultation. Hosanna has two meanings: “grant salvation (Ps 118:25)” or a proclamation of praise and worship (Matt 21:9)

Who is Jesus to YOU?
Do you believe that he has come to redeem you from sin?
The pharisees did not – They tried to hush the crowd! Jesus then exclaims: “if they keep silent, stones would cry out”. It is an expression that means the truth is so true, God will not allow it to be kept hidden. Let us not make the same mistake as the crowd and the pharisees and welcome Jesus with the words of the disciples who praised God. “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord. Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!”
With Peace,
Terry and Marianne
Questions for Reflection
Do we approach others with peace and gentleness, sensitivity to their needs?
Who is Jesus to YOU?
Do you believe that he has come to redeem you from sin?
After 40 days of conversion and penance, we enter into Holy Week…
We Pray to Encounter God our Father…
By our full participation in the Tridium
By paying attention to the dying and rising of Christ
By being in awe of His mystery