In Our Community

CSM Eucharistic Celebrations
Every Sunday – 11am via Zoom
[Via Zoom] Do join us to pray together in thanksgiving as a community.
Note: If you had previously registered for Sunday Eucharist celebrations, you need not register again for future ECs- the system will generate the new ID & password 12 hours before the Eucharist Celebration on Sunday. Registration at the link is only required once.
Eucharist Intentions Offerings
For those who wish to submit Eucharist intentions, do state:
1) Name
2) Date
3) Time of EC (11am Sunday/ Weekday Morning or evening)
4) Intention of Eucharist
5) Cheque number
kindly email the above 14 days before stated the EC to, followed by mailing a cheque (made payable to Church of St Michael to
Church of St Michael, 17 St Michael’s Rd, Singapore 327976)

Podcast launch! The Upper Chamber
The Upper Chamber is a podcast from the Church of St. Michael that aims go beyond the homilies and unpack God encounters in the lives of our parishioners. Follow our church’s facebook and instagram for updates on new episodes.
Subscribe to us on Apple podcasts and Spotify.
The teaser episode is currently available. The first episode drops on Wednesday at 12 Noon. So stay tuned!

Bible Symposium
Date: 8 – 10 Jul 2020
Time: 8pm
Venue: Zoom
Let us continue to deepen our love and passion for the Word of God and in so doing, delve into an even more intimate relationship with Him.

Inside the Mind of an Adolescent
- Are you always wondering what is going on in your adolescents’ mind?
- Learn about the biological, psychological make up of your adolescent and how it impacts one’s social development.
- Obtain good tips on how to communicate with your adolescent.
- Understand our adolescent’s psycho-emotional needs and be better equipped in grasping their constantly evolving world view.
Date: 12th July 2020
Time: 2:30pm – 4pm
via Zoom

Virtual Week of Guided Prayer
Sunday 19.7.20 to Saturday 25.7.20
Learn how to pray with Scripture and experience a deeper relationship with the Lord!
Join us in this easy, mini retreat. You can go about your daily routine and need not take leave from work to participate. It becomes even more convenient to join in virtually, rather than physically. Just set aside half hour daily to pray on your own and another half hour to meet your personal Prayer Guide on mutually agreed time.
Sunday 19.7.20, 2.00 – 4.00pm: Taster Session Via Zoom
Meet your Prayer Guide at Breakout Session.
Zoom Link will be provided to you 48 hours in advance.
Monday, 20.7.20 to Friday, 24.7.20: Week of Guided Prayer
Meet your Prayer Guide daily for half hour between 9.00 am – 10.00 pm
(Tick preferred time slot in the registration form)
Choice of Virtual meeting to be agreed with Prayer Guide
(eg Zoom, Whats app Video, Facetime)
Saturday 25.7.20, 2.00 – 4.00 pm: Closing Session Via Zoom
Zoom Link will be provided to you 24 hours in advance.
Please bring your bible at all times at all sessions. You may choose your own private location to join the sessions. However, you are expected to be by yourself and to concentrate on the sessions throughout the programme. Short breaks will be allowed during the Taster and Closing Sessions.
How to Sign Up?
Fill in and submit bottom portion of the Registration Form to Sojourners’ Companions by email to
Download registration form at
More information or questions? Please email to
Participation will be limited. Please register by: 6 July 2020.

Donate your secondhand electronic devices
Some of our elderly who are homebound are interested to join our Zoom sessions but their electronic devices need to be updated.
If you would like to donate your mobile, iPad or laptop to a parishioner, please contact our Parish Admin Office.

Email story:
Sharing your story
We invite you to share with us how has it been like during this period of the circuit breaker.
- What were or are your challenges and how you overcame them.
- What were or are you concerns that you have been thinking about?
We share this so that others who are in difficulties will be heartened to carry on during this period.
Please write your story and send it to the parish and we will publish it in Our Pilgrimage. As you were generous with finances, we hope you will be generous with your stories.

Register at
Private Worship
Dear Parishioners, Private Worship is available in half-hourly slots in the mornings. If you would like to come and pray at the church, do register first at the above URL. Do note the timings as follows:
Monday to Friday: 6.30am to 10am
Saturday: 6.30am to 8.30am
Closed on Sunday
Registrations are recorded on a first-come-first-serve basis. Do note that only available slots are displayed. Once slots are taken up, it will not be shown.
Please adhere to the following guidelines for your safety and those of your brothers and sisters.
(1) Each Booking admits maximum 5 Persons from the same household.
(2) Please be punctual
(3) Each slot is 30 mins (5 mns for entry procedure, 20 mins for private prayer, 5 mins for cleaning
(4) Entry procedure (includes temperature, sanitising of hands, Safe Entry)
(5) Please be responsible and leave on time otherwise others will be deprived of their time.
(6) Please enter the Church via St Michael’s Road Big Gate.
(7) Please exit the Church via the Worship Hall Staircase leading to the Columbarium and exit at the 1st level. Proceed towards the small gate leading towards St Michael’s Road and press the Red button to open the small gate.

Devotional Prayers
Join Zoom Meeting
Join us every Friday @ 3pm
for devotional prayers.
Meeting ID: 878 1254 7628
Password: 482960
Prayer is an important part of Catholic worship as it provides the opportunity to communicate with God. The Catholic Catechism states, Prayer is the raising of one’s heart and mind to God or the requesting of good things from God (Catholic Catechism 2259).
You may wish to download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

Staying Connected with One Another
In view of current situation please be advised that NCC reps will keep in touch and stay connected via phone calls or online with our neighbourhood parishioners until we can meet again on church premises, during neighbourhood gatherings or events.

Prayer Binds Community Together
Daily- 8am, 12.30pm, 6pm
We invite you to join us. We will be praying the prayers of the Church, namely, Lauds, Midday and Vespers. This is one way we can stay connected with each other. The prayers are invariably 15 to 20 minutes long.

Seniors Club
As seniors club has discontinued indefinitely because of our current situation, please be advised that our seniors team will keep in touch and stay connected via phone calls or online with seniors until we can meet again in the church premises. If you do not wish to be called, please let the team know.

Contact: / call 62919272
Transport and Drivers Needed
Transport and Drivers Needed for Less-Abled and Elderly. If you can provide transport using your own vehicles, please contact the Parish Admin Office.

Wedding Bells
Those who desire to enter into the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony will have to book their wedding dates one year in advance. The booking will be confirmed only when the necessary documents are signed
Around Our Archdiocese
GIFT Appeal
Please support the GIFT (Giving in Faith & Thankfulness) campaign to build a more vibrant, evangelising and missionary Church. Please give generously for the vision of the archdiocese. You may contribute online at: http://www., or through PayNow at UEN 201231391K (please leave your contact details under remarks to receive an acknowledgement)
Society of St Vincent de Paul
An Urgent Plea for Donations. Please help SSVP to continue helping the poor. They spend $330,000 every month to support its 3,300 Friends in Need (FINs),
and in this time of uncertainty, they have not been able to collect donations. You may give By cheque made payable to SSVP NC Singapore and mail to: Society of St Vincent de Paul 7A, Lorong 8, Toa Payoh, #04-01 Agape Village Singapore 319264By PayNow – UEN number S61SS0149BNCS or visit the website to scan the QR code
Supporting the Catholic Businesses During this time
To support Catholic businesses during this time of COVID19, click on the CBN Market Place link provided:

RCIA (Chinese) New Journey at Novena
Begins 15 August 2020, Every Saturday, 3.15pm (Online)
Novena Church is starting new Chinese RCIA programme 2020/2021. Those interested may download the application form from Novena Church Website: Registration closing date: 31 July 2020.
圣雅丰索堂华文成人慕道团将开始新一届的线上慕道班。开课日期:8月15日,每逢星期六,下午3.15pm。 欢迎想要认识天主教的人报名参加。报名表格可以在Novena Church的网页下载: 截止日期:7月31日。

A Call to Teach in a Catholic School
29 June – 24 July 2020
Attention all MOE educators! If you are interested in answering the call to teach in a Catholic School, or if you want to receive news and resources about Catholic education, join our mailing list. Fill up the form accessible via the QR code. MOE Open Posting Exercise: The Archdiocesan Commission for Catholic Schools (ACCS) has compiled a list of vacancies in our Catholic schools in 2021. ACCS will email you the instructions to access this list.