
If Presidential Elections is on 1 Sept
(Public Holiday)
please take note the
Eucharistic Celebration
will ONLY be at 7.30am

St Michael
26 – 28 Sept

Evening Programme

7.30pm Praise & Worship, followed by FAITH sharing, Eucharistic Celebration, & Fellowship at St Michael Patio

Day 1 | 26 Sept – The Gift of Faith
What does faith mean? A gift to be treasured? To honour the one who gave us the gift, we ought to open the gift.

Day 2 | 27 Sept – Faith to Stoke Faith
Do you know the power of your faith? We who have grown in our faith should stoke the faith in others.

Day 3 | 28 Sept – Faith to Move a Mountain
Does the faith given move you – the first mountain? What is the evidence of you movng a mountain with your faith?


The Last 4 Things
Death, Judgement, Heaven, Hell

Presented by
Fr Ferdinand

Tuesday, 22 August
St Michael Room

Register @ tinyurl.com/CSMTheLast4Things22Aug

Introduction to Sacraments
Mondays, 4, 11, 18 & 25 Sept
8pm, St Michael room



Disciples Pathway

CSM Disciples Pathway
For CSM Parishioners Only


We may have on our own gone for several courses and retreats offered in the parish and in the Archdiocese. Do you know where all this is leading to? Would you like to take a pathway of faith and life?

If you are interested, please register to find out more.


Save the date!

Chillax will be held on 9.9, 9th of Sep, Saturday.
We’ll provide the chill, so please come to relax. Stay tuned for more details.



Policies of the Church of St. Michael
We thank parishioners who have given us their comments on the first two instalments of the policies. The third instalment is ready for you to review and give us your comments.
Click the link below to view
You may send your feedback to csm.secretariat@catholic.org.sg by 23 Sep 2023, with the subject heading: CSM Policies – Feedback.”

Let’s Get Arty!

We have some surprises up our sleeves for our Feast Day celebrations! A special wall mural of our Parish will soon be revealed. What will it depict? Join us for some JAM SESSIONS in the coming weeks to find out more. We have lined up a fun programme for all ages! There will be hands-on activities that both adults and kids will enjoy. So sign up today!

Below is a quick glimpse at the upcoming events.

Feeling Arty-Farty (5 & 26 Aug)
Create your very own art souvenir of St Michael and our church. A theme will be unveiled and there will be colouring pencils and pastel chalks, cut origami pieces, recycled material, etc. to create your masterpiece.


Feeling Blue (13 Aug & 10 Sep)
Blue is the colour and not the mood! Parishioners will be able to express their thoughts and feelings with a special ‘blue’ printing art form. Curious? Come and find out.


Feeling Snappy (20 Aug & 2 Sep)
Wishing you could snap better photos? Discover how you can capture special moments of our church and parishioners. It will no longer be a skill issue. You’ll soon be taking those Instagramable shots.


ArtJamming Session
Sat 26 Aug
6.30pm to 9.30pm
St Thomas Room

Art can be a form of prayer and connecting to God. Come together to paint your own icon of St Michael. All ages welcome! Children below 5 to be accompanied by an adult.

Register Today!


ArtJamming Session
Sun 10 Sep
11am to 2pm
St Andrew Room

Blue is the colour and not the mood! Parishioners will be able to express their thoughts and feelings with a special ‘blue’ printing art form. Curious? Come and find out.

Register Today!


Photo Jamming Session
Sat 2 Sep
10.20am to 12.30pm
St Andrew/St Paul Rooms

Wishing you could snap better photos? Discover how you can capture special moments of our church and parishioners. It will no longer be a skill issue. You’ll soon be taking those Instagramable shots.

Register today!


Volunteers for
Christmas Decor

We need an army of elves (YOU!)
to help create a special birthday celebration
this year.

Email csm.secretariat@catholic.org.sg

Browse our selection of library books at CSM
with our NEW CSM Library App!

Here’s how to Get Started!

Step 1: Download the App –
Bookshelf-Your Virtual Library
(Available on both App Store and Google Play)

Step 2: Click on the link below


Step 3: Click to Explore the CSM Shared Shelf of over 700 books

Step 4: Interested to borrow a book?
Send an email to csmtrove@gmail.com

or come meet us at our mobile CSM Library
(by the religious stall) on Sundays after 9.30am EC.

In tandem with the talks on
check out our CSM Library
for more books on the Bible
and its teachings.

Refer to our
Steps to Download the CSM Library App,

then click the link below for a selection of books
on reading scripture:


or come meet us at our mobile CSM Library
(by the religious stall) on Sundays after 9.30am EC

Check out the latest photos
on CSM Flickr Albums

See how our young 11-year-olds help out at a SSVP FIN Event; Check out the Big Wash at St Michael Patio as well as the sumptuous breakfast that Zeni’zo prepares for the parishioners; What are our fellow parishioners up to at our first First Aid & AED Course?

Click here to view CSM Flickr Albums

Get your CSM T-shirts

CSM t-shirts are available at our Religious Stall.
Opening Hours on Sundays only.
8.45am to 9.30am; 10.45am to 11.30am
Each t-shirt costs $34 only.

@ St Michael’s Patio
Sundays after 9.30am EC

The word, “Xenizo” means “To be received hospitably as an honoured guest,” and that is the name our hospitality ministry has taken. Come and partake of breakfast made with loving hands, at St. Michael’s Patio every Sunday after the 9.30am Eucharistic Celebration. Mingle, fellowship, make a new friend, chat, welcome someone new.

Driving to Church?

If you are attending the Eucharistic Celebration and are driving, we urge you to turn into St. Francis Road and then turn left into Jalan Semerbak and then enter the Church. This is to facilitate a better traffic flow.

Infant Baptism 2023

When should we begin
to prepare for baptism?

It is never too early. During the pregnancy, families should contact the Parish Admin Office to sign up for the Infant Baptism Preparation Programme.

There are 5 formation and preparatory sessions before the Rites of Baptism in the following months:

July 2023

October 2023

For more information:

Go to Infant Baptism Page

Email: csm.secretariat@catholic.org.sg

Line Dance 2023

Line Dance
(for Seniors and Beginners Only)

Fridays 9.30 – 11.00am
Venue: St John Vianney
Teacher: Daisy Teo

Faith sharing 2

Faith Sharing with Fr Sam
10am to 11.30am
St Luke Room

Please note that sessions are now not only for seniors but anyone interested to know more about the Word of God are welcomed as well.
Elisha's Spring Opening Hours (1)

Elisha’s Spring
Mondays to Sundays
7am to 7pm

Monthly Prayers for the Departed
Every 3rd Sunday of the month
Venue: Elisha’s Spring

Dear Brothers and Sisters

Our Parish electricity bill is more than $5,000 every month. In the long run this is not sustainable.

We seek your understanding and cooperation to switch on the lights when you arrive and switch them off when you leave so that we can save on these expenses.

Thank you for your assistance.

Adoration Room

Adoration Room
Mondays to Sundays
7am to 9.30pm

Our Adoration Room is now open daily from 7am to 9.30pm.

Ministry Recruitment

Audiovisual (AV) Ministry

JOIN US to create inspiring worship experiences!

Contact our Parish Office.

Email: csm.secretariat@catholic.org.sg

RCIA Facilitators


Contact our Parish Office.

Email: csm.secretariat@catholic.org.sg

Comms Ministry Recruitment

Comms Ministry And You!

Have you felt the stirring in your heart to bring the Good News to all through your creativity?

From photography to digital art, canva posters to Instagram reels, multimedia videos to podcasts, reflections to reviews, we need you! Come talk to us.

Email: csm.secretariat@catholic.org.sg

Wardens Recruitment

Join us as Wardens

When we extend hospitality to others, we’re not trying to impress people, we’re trying to reflect God to them. As we serve our Lord, we may meet someone who really needs a friend…and we can fill that need. Maybe we can make an eternal difference in the person’s life, just because we choose to be friendly and helpful.

Email: csm.secretariat@catholic.org.sg

Recruit Catechists

We are Recruiting Catechists

Calling all Parents who have young children and those who are endowed in the teaching charism to come forward and serve the Lord.

Email: csm.secretariat@catholic.org.sg

Trained Special Needs Catechists 02

We are in need of
Trained Special Needs Catechists

Pope Francis has called the Catholic Church to be a welcoming Church. As we welcome our students into our religious education classes, it’s important that we see each one as a child of God with special talents and special gifts; remember that you are seeing the face of Jesus. Teaching religious education is a splendid opportunity to share your love of God and the Catholic Church with your students.

Email: csm.secretariat@catholic.org.sg

Recruitment of Musicians
Ephrem Music Ministry

Calling all musicians with a willing heart to serve to come forward to join Ephrem Music Ministry.

Email: csm.secretariat@catholic.org.sg

Lectors recruitment with email

Lectors Recruitment

Ministry of Lectors is recruiting new members to proclaim the Word of God. If you have a willing heart and a desire to serve the Lord, come join us to be instruments of God and proclaim your faith through HIS Word.

Email: csm.secretariat@catholic.org.sg

Ministry of Comfort

The Ministry of Comfort brings the Eucharist to the homebound.
Interested to learn more about this ministry and how you can help, Email: csm.secretariat@catholic.org.sg

Chinese Legion of Mary 01
Legion of Mary
The Legion of Mary invites youths below 18 years old who are interested in praying together and serving the church in its various spiritual activities.  Join the Legion of Mary to have an enriched spiritual and prayer life and discover what God has in store for you!
Email Parish Admin Office


Happy Easter
to your neighbourhood workers

Parishioners Monika Pereira and Cecilia Lee hosted a nasi bryani lunch for migrant workers, to share our Easter Joy with the those in our neighbourhood.

Outreach Project
Sunday 26 March 2023
Altar Boys & EMHC

Neighbourhood Outreach2

Neighbourhood Visits

Our CSM Community visited our surrounding neighbourhoods, going door-to-door to reach out to our fellow Catholics as well as to invite everyone we met to visit our Parish. Our Christmas Celebrations saw several of our neighbours dropping by to enjoy our barbecue and other activities.

Here are more photos of our outreach volunteers:

Thank you for your hard work

Our grateful thanks
to our neighbourhood cleaners!

On Saturday, 21 January, the eve of Chinese New Year, our CSM Community reached out to our cleaners with chicken nasi bryani, drinks and some tokens of appreciation for all their hard work in the neighbourhood. They were from the neighbourhoods of Jalan Rajah, Jalan Tenteram and St George’s.

May God continue to bless them in the coming year with His graces, good health, and happiness.

Here are a few photos with our outreach volunteers.

Outreach volunteers

Around Our Archdiocese

Parenting Pre-Teens in the Digital Age
Sat 9 Sept 2023
9.30am – 12noon

For young parents (with children 12 years & below) to help them review their parenting skills and learn valuable tips to impact positively on the growth of their children:

Venue:  La Salle House, 490 East Coast Road, Singapore 429058

Organiser:  La Salle House – a Formation Centre run by De La Salle Brothers

For more info/To register:


Support group for bereaved parents
Tue 22 Aug 2023
7.30pm to 9.15pm

PIETA is a support group for bereaved parents who have united in faith to seek God’s comfort, wisdom and hope. The monthly session, run by bereaved parents, is for prayer, reflection and the breaking open of the WORD OF GOD. We invite any parent who has lost a child (regardless of age and no matter how recent or long ago) to journey together in faith.

Our next monthly session will be face-to-face from 7:30pm to 9:15pm on Tue 22 August 2023. Please note the venue will be at Catholic Archdiocesan Education Centre, 2 Highland Road, unit LG-01, Singapore 549102 (next to the Church of Immaculate Heart of Mary). Please email us for directions.

Our contact details are
email: pieta.singapore@gmail.com
facebook: https://facebook.com/PietaSingapore
website: www.PietaSingapore.org

65th Beginning Experience (BE) Weekend
Come and experience a weekend away for a lifetime of change. The 65th Beginning Experience (BE) Weekend is a live-in weekend for the permanently separated, divorced or widowed (for both males and females). The BE Weekend helps single-again individuals move on from the darkness of their grief into the light of a new beginning, to be healed and be free to love themselves, others and God.
Registration or any enquiries can be made at this link:  https://tinyurl.com/BE-SG-WKD

Date: 22 Sep – 24 Sep 2023 (Friday night through Sunday afternoon)

Cost: $230
For more information, please contact:
Rodney       9693 0785
Mary            9755 4310
Jean            9828 5162

Boys’ Town
75th Anniversary Church Collections 2023

Donate via:

PayNow to UEN: 201534576H007

For tax deduction purposes, kindly key in your information using the template below under Reference:

CC NRIC Mobile No.

Together, we can help make a difference in these young lives!

We thank you for your kindness and support!

Marriage Preparation Course in Mandarin
3 & 10 Sep 2023
9am to 5pm

Venue: Agape Village
Course Fee: $160 per couple



Montfortian Experience Retreat
Blessed are those who mourn
8 – 10 Sep 2023

To grieve is not about forgetting but remembering the losses in our lives. To be able to mourn is a great gift from God. This retreat will be a sacred time and healing space to understand and work at our Losses in Life, for blessed are those who mourn. Register at:


31 Aug – Last Day as Katong Catholic Book Centre Pte Ltd
1 to 31 Sep – Shop is closed
1 Oct – Shop Re-opens as Katong Catholic Shop

We are de-registering Katong Catholic Book Centre Pte. Ltd. (KCBC) by 31 August 2023, closing the shop for one month in September, and will re-open as Katong Catholic Shop (KCS) on 1 October 2023.

Scan the QR Code in above pix and follow KCBC Facebook for updates and details

October resume orders for – ORDO, Advent Candle orders, Living Faith & Shalom subscriptions, Paschal candles.

by Cenacle Sisters and Team

A silent 8-full day  or 5-full day retreat set in the beautiful environment of the Seven Fountains Retreat Center in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Three choices of dates (includes travel time) :

1)  8 days – Nov.26 – Dec. 5, 2023

2)  5 days – Nov. 29 – Dec -5, 2023

3)  5-days – Dec. 7 – Dec. 13, 2023

Closing date: 15 September or when registration is full

Contact : 9298-5808 / 9722-3148.

email: cenaclesingapore@gmail.com 

website: www.cenaclemission.com

Sept 8-10, 2023 (Fri check in after dinner,
Check out Sun after lunch)
Venue: La Salle House
For ages between 40 to 60yo

Facilitated by Sr. Linda Lizada and team, the approach to this programme is psycho-spiritual and the underlying assumption is that at this point in our lives, we are being invited into a spiritual journey as we assess how we have lived our lives up till this point, and how we would like to spend the rest of our years.

Sept 21-24, 2023 (Thurs – Sun)
Open to all above 21yo

Feeling tired from work, daily routines and ministry?

Almost at the brink of burn-out yet having no-where safe to go?

Let us go to a quiet place and rest in the LordThis retreat is suitable for active servers and/or those taking a break from ministry to grow & deepen our relationship with self and with God. Accompanied by Sr. Kriz & team, through an arrangement of leisure activities, these days of reflection and prayer hope to find God in all things & time.

A Day in the Life of a Seminarian

Teaser Video: Catch the full-length feature film premiering on Vocation Sunday on the Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore’s Official YouTube Channel.

Welcoming Home Catholics Seeking A Reconnection
4 Sept to 14 Nov 2023

Landings Singapore presents a new 10 week programme for Catholics seeking a reconnection to the faith. It runs from 4 September 2023 through 14 November 2023, every Monday or Tuesday from 8pm to 10.00pm. All sessions will be held in person at Church of the Holy Spirit or Church of Queen of Peace. We invite you to register your interest or to find out more using the QR code in the poster. For more information on Landings, please email returning@landings.org.sg or visit www.landings.org.sg

Verbum Dei Family Camp
1 to 3 Sept 2023

Come away to Malaysia with your kids to the Verbum Dei Family Camp from 1-3 September 2023! Hear from fellow Catholic parents about their life experiences on how to grow closer to God as a family. Kids Programme for ages 3 – 12 provided. For enquiries and registration please email VDeifamilies@gmail.com • Mobile 96890919 • www.verbumdeisingapore.org/

Life Without Strife: Choosing what is truly important

By Caritas Young Adults

As young adults living in a busy and competitive society, we are constantly flooded with multiple responsibilities and concerns like work, family, friends, church, volunteering, etc. How should we prioritise? How can we fulfil all our responsibilities?


Come and join us in person at CANA for a discussion with like-minded young adults on this challenge and how we can manage it. There will also be a brief overview of Catholic Social Teaching to aid the discussions.


To register, please visit https://forms.office.com/r/eKyRmQdN9r

For enquiries, please email Caritas Singapore at mpmc@caritas-singapore.org

Online resources
for Catholic parents

A great resource for parents preparing for their children’s baptism as well as parents of children attending catechism classes.

Foundations of Catholic Parenting
Bonding with Our Children
Sexuality Education
Managing Social Media and screen time
Forming our children in the faith and virtues, and more to come.

Abilities Beyond Limitations
and Expectations

ABLE is about helping persons with acquired physical conditions such as stroke and traumatic brain injury, and their family caregivers. Please view the video as they are raising awareness of ABLE as well as engaging in fundraising and looking for volunteers too.

Link to videos on ABLE (Click here)

For more information about ABLE, please visit https://able-sg.org.

Check out the
ONE Calendar of Events 2023!

Click Poster to see the upcoming Events!

The Catholic Hub

Watch the video to learn more about the Catholic Hub


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Our Archdiocese has been working to build a more vibrant, evangelising and missionary Church. In sharing the Good News, we are bringing the hope and love of Christ to vast numbers of people.

Within our Church today, however, there are currently no premises large enough for our organisations and communities to hold their activities on a large scale. After much study, we concluded that the Church’s largest freehold site at 49 Upper Thomson Road could optimally be used to house major Archdiocesan organisations, a convention centre with overnight retreat facilities, a home for senior clergy – and more – for the long-term needs of the Church.

Beyond physical infrastructure, such a Catholic Hub can bring about a greater depth of communion. The facilities and organisations located there will enable collaboration for a more effective witnessing of the Gospel to the people of Singapore and reap economies of scale.

Read more…https://www.catholicfoundation.sg/the-catholic-hub/



Youthline is an integrated youth service that provides a listening ear and free counselling support for anyone up to 35 years old, regardless of race or religion.

Youthline handled over 175 cases in the first 7 days of its launch on 10th November. Since then, the average daily volume has doubled. There is an urgent need for much more resources, space and professional staff to meet the rapidly growing demand for their services. They are looking to raise $5 million to fund a larger space and more staff to serve the thousands of young people they expect in the coming year.

Your generous support will make a big difference in providing the resources necessary to meet the demand for such a service among many young people in Singapore.

For more information or enquiries, please email or reach out to contact@youthline.sg

Thank you very much for your generosity.

CPS Lunchtime mass

CPS Lunchtime Mass

The Catholic Prayer Society invites all to lunchtime mass at these locations:

Every Wednesday, 12.15pm: 

TPI building level 6, 62 Cecil Street

Every Friday, 12.15pm:

  1. Medical Alumni Association, 2 College Road, Level 1 Theatrette
  2. One Raffles Quay, level 49 North Tower (starting 14 Oct 22)

More details at: www.cps.org.sg

Catholic Family Life Volunteer Recruitment

Catholic Family Life: Volunteer Recruitment
(Administrative and Reception Support at Counselling Centre)

A Heart to Serve – Catholic Family Life (CFL) is calling out for volunteers!
If you have a desire/calling to make a difference and contribute your God-given gifts and talents. Join CFL in volunteering your time by empowering, enriching the lives of our fellow brothers and sisters. “Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love.” – Mother Teresa
Get in touch with Catholic Family Life to find out more, contact us at 64880278 or email michelle@catholicfamilylife.sg. If you are interested to volunteer with us, do fill up the volunteer form: https://bit.ly/CFL-volunteer-form and we will get in touch with you.

Youthline – Call for Volunteers

Youthline is launching a dedicated helpline and counselling service for young people up to 35 years of age. Help us make a difference by volunteering today!

You can look forward to:
● Free training and skills development
● Joining our awesome community
● Making a real impact

● Helpline Volunteer
● Pro-bono Counsellor or Para-Counsellor
● Youth Hero

Please visit https://youthline.sg to sign up now.

Migrant Helpline

UGAT-ACMI Free Counseling Services

UGAT’s SGot Kita, Kabayan Helpline are available for (Filipino) migrants in Singapore.

SGot Kita, Kabayan is a designated free online helpline developed specifically for migrants in Singapore.

UGAT has counsellors who speak various languages and dialects in the Philippines, such as Tagalog, Cebuano, Bicolano, Bisaya, and Hiligaynon, for those clients who are more comfortable sharing in their own language.

The helpline service is open on Monday – Sunday, 9pm – 12am.

Be Kind to your Mental Health

Counselling and Psychological Services
By Clarity Singapore

Clarity Singapore, a member organisation of Caritas Singapore, focuses on responding to mental health needs through community-based mental healthcare services and social integration programmes. We offer professional counselling and psychological services to help individuals in learning to cope with their situations in more adaptive ways.

Learn more: https://www.clarity-singapore.org


Para-Counselling Service
By Catholic Family Life

Need someone to journey with you through the stages and challenges of life? Trained Para-Counsellors are available via Zoom.

Please call 66318963 (Mon – Fri 12pm to 4pm)

Email paracounselling-info@familylife.sg or

Visit https://cpc.familylife.sg/ to book your session.