Ministry Assembly
Tuesday 21 May
6.45pm (Dinner)
7.30pm (Start of Assembly)
For all ministries, Register tinyurl.com/CSMMinistryAssembly21May2024
New Process of the RCIA
We hope you will begin to ask your relatives or friends or colleagues to consider finding out more about Jesus Christ.
The new process will begin on 13th June 2024.
Should your friends agree now to join, please give their names to the parish admn office.
CSM Disciples Pathway
For CSM Parishioners Only
We may have on our own gone for several courses and retreats offered in the parish and in the Archdiocese. Do you know where all this is leading to? Would you like to take a pathway of faith and life?
If you are interested, please register to find out more.
Reaching out to our Gardening Community
Join us as volunteers in our new initiative – Outdoor Gardening. Find out more by sending an email to our Parish Secretariat.
FINS Outing to Bird Paradise
14 April 2024
Thirty-six (36) Friends in need (Fins) and 32 members together with 10 aspiring young Vincentians visited Bird Paradise on Sunday, 14 April.
God graced us with wonderful weather and our Fins truly enjoyed themselves watching those colourful birds, penguins and a 30-minute bird shows. We were also blessed with a wonderful sumptuous lunch.
Check out the latest photos
on CSM Flickr Albums
Browse our selection of library books at CSM
with our NEW CSM Library App!
Here’s how to Get Started!
Step 1: Download the App –
Bookshelf-Your Virtual Library
(Available on both App Store and Google Play)
Step 2: Click on the link below
Step 3: Click to Explore the CSM Shared Shelf of over 700 books
Step 4: Interested to borrow a book?
Send an email to csmtrove@gmail.com
or come meet us at our mobile CSM Library
(by the religious stall) on Sundays after 9.30am EC.
@ St Michael’s Patio
Sundays after 9.30am EC
The word, “Xenizo” means “To be received hospitably as an honoured guest,” and that is the name our hospitality ministry has taken. Come and partake of breakfast made with loving hands, at St. Michael’s Patio every Sunday after the 9.30am Eucharistic Celebration. Mingle, fellowship, make a new friend, chat, welcome someone new.
Elisha’s Spring
Mondays to Sundays
7am to 7pm
Monthly Prayers for the Departed
Every 3rd Sunday of the month
Venue: Elisha’s Spring
Dear Brothers and Sisters
Our Parish electricity bill is more than $5,000 every month. In the long run this is not sustainable.
We seek your understanding and cooperation to switch on the lights when you arrive and switch them off when you leave so that we can save on these expenses.
Thank you for your assistance.
Ministry Recruitment
Intercessory Prayer Group
“Intercession is a Prayer of petition which leads us to pray as Jesus did” CCC2634
The Intercessory Prayer group is looking for members to come together to experience the power of collective prayer! We come to pray for others, extending God’s love, mercy and compassion for those who seek comfort, healing and joys before the throne of Grace.
In this season of Advent, what better way to give and show your love for God’s people.
Come join the Intercessory Prayer Group!
Audiovisual (AV) Ministry
JOIN US to create inspiring worship experiences!
Contact our Parish Office.
Comms Ministry And You!
Have you felt the stirring in your heart to bring the Good News to all through your creativity?
From photography to digital art, canva posters to Instagram reels, multimedia videos to podcasts, reflections to reviews, we need you! Come talk to us.
Email: csm.secretariat@catholic.org.sg
Join us as Wardens
When we extend hospitality to others, we’re not trying to impress people, we’re trying to reflect God to them. As we serve our Lord, we may meet someone who really needs a friend…and we can fill that need. Maybe we can make an eternal difference in the person’s life, just because we choose to be friendly and helpful.
We are Recruiting Catechists
Calling all Parents who have young children and those who are endowed in the teaching charism to come forward and serve the Lord.
We are in need of
Trained Special Needs Catechists
Pope Francis has called the Catholic Church to be a welcoming Church. As we welcome our students into our religious education classes, it’s important that we see each one as a child of God with special talents and special gifts; remember that you are seeing the face of Jesus. Teaching religious education is a splendid opportunity to share your love of God and the Catholic Church with your students.
Recruitment of Musicians
Ephrem Music Ministry
Calling all musicians with a willing heart to serve to come forward to join Ephrem Music Ministry.
Lectors Recruitment
Ministry of Lectors is recruiting new members to proclaim the Word of God. If you have a willing heart and a desire to serve the Lord, come join us to be instruments of God and proclaim your faith through HIS Word.
Ministry of Comfort
The Ministry of Comfort brings the Eucharist to the homebound.
Interested to learn more about this ministry and how you can help, Email: csm.secretariat@catholic.org.sg
Outreach to the Poor
Sat 18 May
Please register!
As each has received a gift, use it to serve another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace ~ 1 Peter 4:10
Join us to visit our fellow families.
Register: tinyurl.com/CSMParishOutreach18May2024
There will be a follow up session (fellowship and sharing) on Sun, 26 May after 11.30am EC at St Thomas Room.
Outreach to the Poor
Be the Angel
Bringing the joy of Christmas to the residents!
Check out the photos. Click Here.
Around Our Archdiocese
Public Advisory:
Trust Only Official Websites
for information on Papal Visit and Mass
The Catholic Church in Singapore is excited to welcome His Holiness Pope Francis to Singapore.
We have received reports of individuals/groups attempting to phish/acquire personal information by misrepresenting themselves as being associated with the ticketing process for the Papal Mass. We urge the public to remain vigilant and not to fall prey to these scams. Tickets for the Papal Mass, when available, will be free of charge.
Please note that the only legitimate sources for information related to Pope Francis’ visit are our official websites:
- www.popefrancis2024.sg
- www.catholic.sg
- www.mycatholic.sg
- www.catholicnews.sg
- www.catholicfoundation.sg
We strongly advise the public not to share personal information with any other websites or individuals claiming to offer tickets or information about the Papal visit.
For more information on the Papal visit, please visit www.popefrancis2024.sg. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Issued by the Archbishop’s Communications Office
15 April 2024
Catholic Foundation Dinner
Wed 18 Sept
The Catholic Foundation Dinner 2024 will be held on Wednesday 18 September at the Fullerton Hotel Ballroom. This annual fundraising dinner hosted by His Eminence, Cardinal William Goh, Archbishop of Singapore is fully sponsored. All funds raised from the table sales and direct contributions from the dinner will go towards the building of the Catholic Hub.
The future Catholic Hub will be our Archdiocesan spiritual oasis providing the environment, space and facilities for parishes, ministries, organisations and groups to bring about greater communion in mission.
For dinner information, please scan the QR code in the poster above or visit catholicfoundation.sg/cfdinner.
Alternatively, please call 6338-0348 or email cfdinner@catholic.org.sg.
Reminder on GIFT programme
Next weekend, being the 3rd weekend of the month, there will be a 2nd collection for Catholic Foundation’s GIFT (Giving in Faith & Thankfulness) programme. GIFT is a regular giving programme to rally support for and fund the Archdiocese’s organisations and initiatives for youth, evangelisation, catechesis, formation, and others.
Please bring your contributions or GIFT envelopes to drop them into the donation boxes. Visit catholicfoundation.sg to contribute online or find out more.
Dealing with Departures
A Day of Prayer & Reflection
Sat 29 June
How to prepare for the eventual departure of someone who is terminally ill, and to manage the grief of losing your beloved.
Date: Saturday, 29 June 2024
Time: 9:30 am – 3:30 pm
Venue: La Salle House, 490 East Coast Road, Singapore 429058
Love offering: $48 per adult; $90 per married/engaged couple; $15 per student (min age 18 years)
LIMITED SEATS – Register early! Scan the QR Code in the poster above.
For more info/to register: https://forms.gle/pMuxWBaDUmBsbtYz5
Embracing our Belovedness
25 May 2024
Embracing Our Belovedness @ Cathedral of the Good Shepherd
By Catholic Family Life
25 May 2024, Saturday | 9am-12pm
Cathedral of the Good Shepherd
Annex Building, Level 3
*$20 participation fee for the whole morning of recollection
We are Beloved.
This morning recollection invites mothers to a journey of coming home to the reality of the First Love in their lives; that Love that has existed from eternity and abides for eternity. In the uniqueness of their life and role, mothers are called to reclaim the truth of their Belovedness and to celebrate it. As Henri Nouwen said, “Our true spiritual work has to do with letting ourselves be loved fully, completely by God and to trust that in this Love, we come to the fulfilment of our vocation.”
About the Speaker:
Sr. Maria Nerissa “Bubbles” Bandojo, rc.
Sr. Bubbles, rc is a Cenacle Sister from the Philippines. She has been a religious for 37 years. As a Cenacle Sister she has journeyed with people and various groups through the ministry of retreats and spiritual accompaniment. She is happy and grateful to be missioned in Singapore at this time.
Register : Scan the QR code in the poster above.
Beyond ‘Because I said So’
15 June
Beyond ‘Because I said So’ @ Cathedral of The Good Shepherd
By Catholic Family Life
15 June 2024, Saturday | 10am-12pm
Cathedral of The Good Shepherd
Annex Building, Level 3
*Participation fee of $20
Are you finding yourself caught in power struggles, tantrums, and other challenges with your children? Do punishment, nagging, or giving in seem like your only options when faced with such situations?
If so, join us for this experiential workshop that invites you to step into the child’s world and understand which discipline methods work for your children, and which do not. You will leave with Positive Discipline tools that you can apply right away so that you could be better equipped to handle your day-to-day parenting challenges AND build a relationship with your children that is based on mutual respect and connection.
We will cover important topics such as:
– Introduction to Positive Discipline and its distinctions from other programme
– Awareness of why children misbehave
– Communication approach that invites more cooperation
– 5 essential questions to ask yourself before you discipline your child
Register here via bit.ly/CFL_PD or scan the QR code in the poster above.
SJI Open House
for Pri 6 Boys Seeking
Secondary 1 Admission
in 2025
Sat 18 May
SJI is a mission school of the De La Salle Brothers. It provides all-round education in the Catholic tradition to help every student, especially those with less, to grow as a person and to excel academically. With values-education and character development at its core, SJI seeks to nurture boys to become Men of Integrity and Men for Others.
We would like to invite your current Primary 6 boys and their parents to our Open House on Saturday, 18 May 2024, 8.30am – 4pm.
Attached to the email is an image containing details of our Open House. We hope you will include this image in your Church e-bulletin boards. Parents in your parish can get more information on the Open House on our website www.sji.edu.sg.
Please feel free to contact our Corporate Communications & Education Outreach Manager, Ms. Sebastian at contact@sji.edu.sg or at telephone extension 323 if you need more information.
SSVP Youth Camp
14 – 17 June
Registration ends 15 May
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SSVP) invites all youth aged 14 and up to a 4D3N stay in camp! If you have felt the call to do more, to find Christ while serving others, this camp is for you! Registration ends 15 May.
Where St Francis Xavier Retreat Centre, 199 Punggol 17th Ave
Fees $50/youth
Register bit.ly/ssvpyouthcamp2024
Certificate in Theology
Night Info Session
Thurs 16 May 2024
SFX Seminary
St Ignatius Room
Couple Mentor Journey
– Couple Mentor Training Information Session
4 May 2024, Saturday OR
16 May 2024, Thursday
“… the first years of married life need to be “accompanied”, and newlyweds should not be left in solitude.”
4 May 2024, Saturday | 9.30am-11.00am
Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour
16 May 2024, Thursday | 8.00pm-9.30pm
Church of Saint Ignatius
Couple mentor journey conducting training for couples interested in sharing your lives and faith with younger married / going to be married couples. Do join us at one of the information sessions to find out more about this programme and how it impacts couples from 0-10 years of marriage.
Please scan the QR code in the poster to register.
Courses for Migrants
Jul – Dec 2024
Registration for Jul-Dec 2024 courses are open! Pick up new skills such as mobile photography and editing, cooking and many more. Courses are held at the Church of St Bernadette and Agape Village.
For more information, visit rebrand.ly/skillsdevelopmentcourses or scan the QR code in the poster for more details! Registration closes on 26 May.
For any enquiries, please call 6801 7444 or drop us a message on Instagram or Facebook (@acmi.singapore).
25 May 2024
OYP Outreach for
Secondary 4 & 5 Students
10 June 2024
Calling all Sec 4/5 students! Come find out what Jesus has in store for you this holiday season. There’ll be prayer and fellowship so come and find rest in Jesus amidst the busy season!
Date: Monday, 10 June 2024
Time: 2 pm to 4pm
Venue: Office for Young People, 2 Lor Low Koon, Singapore 536449
Registration: tinyurl.com/OYPJun24Outreach
For enquiries, please email Joanna at joanna.oyp@catholic.org.sg
OYP Kickstart24
22 to 23 June 2024
Beginning your university journey this year? Come join us at Kickstart24*, a retreat with fellowship and formation for all incoming university freshmen (studying locally or overseas)! You can look forward to hearing the faith stories of other university students and learn more about the universities you are entering from the seniors who will be there to welcome you! The Lord desires much for you, young friend. Take a leap of faith to discover more!
*This is a stay-in retreat
Date & Time: 22 June 2024 (Saturday) 10am to 23 June 2024 (Sunday) 7pm
Venue: Office for Young People, 2 Lor Low Koon, Singapore 536449
Cost: $21.80 (inclusive of 9% GST)
Participant Sign up: tinyurl.com/KICKSTART24P
For enquiries, please contact Kristen via email (kristen.oyp@catholic.org.sg) or Telegram (@kristenyeo).
Why must we work?
Catholic Prayer Society
Lunchtime Talk
Mondays 6, 20 & 27 May
12.30 – 1.30pm
Cecil Building #04-01
Join Rev Fr David Garcia as he introduces the Church’s social teachings and helps us understand why work is a necessary aspect of our lives, and how different perceptions of work influence our approach to work and its role in society.
Dates: 6, 20 & 27 May 2024 (Mondays)
Time: 12.30pm – 1.30pm
Venue: Cecil Building, 137 Cecil Street, #04-01, Singapore 069537
Register: http://tinyurl.com/

Pro-Bono Counsellors
Catholic Family Life
A Heart to Serve – Catholic Family Life (CFL) is calling out for volunteers!
If you have a desire/calling to make a difference and contribute your God-given gifts and talents. Join CFL in volunteering your time by empowering, enriching the lives of our fellow brothers and sisters.
“Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love.” – Mother Teresa
Get in touch with Catholic Family Life to find out more, contact us at 64880278 or email michelle@familylife.sg. If you are interested to volunteer with us, do fill up the volunteer form: https://bit.ly/CFL-volunteer-form and we will get in touch with you.
Down Memory Lane
A Fundraising Dinner
By Catholic Family Life
24 August 2024, Saturday | 7:00pm
Carlton Hotel
A Night of Nostalgic Music, For a Good Cause
Back after 5 years, join us for a night of nostalgic music by your favourite local artists.
Catholic Family Life is thrilled to bring back Down Memory Lane! This special evening promises to be unforgettable, featuring incredible performances by talented local artists singing favourite tunes from the 60s, 70s and 80s.
Get ready to groove to the rhythm of great music, all while supporting a worthy cause!
Funds raised will enable CFL to
- Offer affordable marital, family, child and adolescent therapy to those who need it.
- Conduct research, talks and workshops to help parents detect stress and anxiety in their child, improve their mental health and build more resilient families.
- Support unplanned pregnancies through our Pregnancy Crisis and Support hotline and befriending service.
Register here via bit.ly/DML2024 or scan the QR code in the poster above.
Caritas Singapore
Social Mission Conference 2024
25 May 2024
Our Faith calls us to action, and here’s your chance to answer that call! Don’t miss out on this opportunity to be part of a movement that’s making a difference in our community and beyond.
Since 2008, the Caritas Singapore Social Mission Conferences have been igniting inspiration and raising awareness about the charitable work that the Caritas Singapore Family is doing. Now, it’s your turn to join in and be inspired! Together, let’s explore how we can respond to the Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor.
We’ll delve into the intimate connection between caring for each other and our planet. This isn’t just a conference—it’s a chance to shape a society that respects the dignity of all.
Scan QR Code in poster above for more information.
Intercessory Prayers 2024
by Archdiocesan Pastoral Council
Join us to pray for God’s guidance as we discern a 10-year pastoral plan for the Archdiocese.
St Joseph’s Church (Victoria Street) | 9 Apr 2024
Church of the Holy Cross | 3 May 2024
Church of the Holy Trinity | 12 July 2024
St Anne’s Church | 8 August 2024
Church of our Lady Star of the Sea | 6 September 2024
At the Feet of the Good Shepherd Retreat (FGS)
29-30 June 2024
St Francis Xavier Retreat Centre (Punggol)
As leaders, we may be so used to tending to those under our care that we may not look into our own spiritual and emotional well-being. Might we have any childhood trauma or past hurt that continues to affect our behaviour today and result in wounding those we lead?
The Catholic Leadership Centre is pleased to present a 2-day 1-night (2D1N) weekend stay-in retreat locally. You will spend time with Jesus in personal prayer, contemplating the Word of God. You will be guided for your Sacrament of Reconciliation. You will also meet with a Spiritual Director one-to-one to guide you in your personal prayer.
29 – 30 June 2024 at St Francis Xavier Retreat Centre in Punggol.
$300 per pax inclusive GST, meals and accommodation.
To register or find out more for the training course, go to www.catholicleader.sg
Angelico Art Award 2024
for Catholic parents
A great resource for parents preparing for their children’s baptism as well as parents of children attending catechism classes.
- Our website at https://catholicparents.
online/ - Free downloadable handbooks at https://catholicparents.
online/handbooks/ for Catholic parents to read, reflect, and share with their spouse and other parents within their own cell groups. - Our locally produced YouTube video and audio Podcast channels for Catholic parents. Instructional episodes are vetted by Fr David Garcia, OP to ensure there are no theological errors. Modules include
Foundations of Catholic Parenting
Bonding with Our Children
Sexuality Education
Managing Social Media and screen time
Forming our children in the faith and virtues, and more to come.
The Catholic Hub
Watch the video to learn more about the Catholic Hub
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Our Archdiocese has been working to build a more vibrant, evangelising and missionary Church. In sharing the Good News, we are bringing the hope and love of Christ to vast numbers of people.
Within our Church today, however, there are currently no premises large enough for our organisations and communities to hold their activities on a large scale. After much study, we concluded that the Church’s largest freehold site at 49 Upper Thomson Road could optimally be used to house major Archdiocesan organisations, a convention centre with overnight retreat facilities, a home for senior clergy – and more – for the long-term needs of the Church.
Beyond physical infrastructure, such a Catholic Hub can bring about a greater depth of communion. The facilities and organisations located there will enable collaboration for a more effective witnessing of the Gospel to the people of Singapore and reap economies of scale.
Read more…https://www.catholicfoundation.sg/the-catholic-hub/
Catholic Family Life: Volunteer Recruitment
(Administrative and Reception Support at Counselling Centre)
A Heart to Serve – Catholic Family Life (CFL) is calling out for volunteers!
If you have a desire/calling to make a difference and contribute your God-given gifts and talents. Join CFL in volunteering your time by empowering, enriching the lives of our fellow brothers and sisters. “Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love.” – Mother Teresa
Get in touch with Catholic Family Life to find out more, contact us at 64880278 or email michelle@catholicfamilylife.sg. If you are interested to volunteer with us, do fill up the volunteer form: https://bit.ly/CFL-volunteer-form and we will get in touch with you.
UGAT-ACMI Free Counseling Services
UGAT’s SGot Kita, Kabayan Helpline are available for (Filipino) migrants in Singapore.
SGot Kita, Kabayan is a designated free online helpline developed specifically for migrants in Singapore.
UGAT has counsellors who speak various languages and dialects in the Philippines, such as Tagalog, Cebuano, Bicolano, Bisaya, and Hiligaynon, for those clients who are more comfortable sharing in their own language.
The helpline service is open on Monday – Sunday, 9pm – 12am.
Counselling and Psychological Services
By Clarity Singapore
Learn more: https://www.clarity-singapore.org
Para-Counselling Service
By Catholic Family Life
Need someone to journey with you through the stages and challenges of life? Trained Para-Counsellors are available via Zoom.
Please call 66318963 (Mon – Fri 12pm to 4pm)
Email paracounselling-info@familylife.sg or
Visit https://cpc.familylife.sg/ to book your session.