Tips to Better Love your Spouse

Have dinner together and pray together

A couple/ family that eats and prays together stays together

Prepare to love your spouse at all times

Love is more than feelings, it is a decision

Fill your love tank for each other

Remove clutter  from your lives and drop the need to think everything is important. Focus on the things/ people that matter.

Love your children unconditionally

Spend time with them especially on weekends. Pope Francis encourages us to ‘waste’ them with our children

Make a lot of noise together

live, love, laugh

Create a loving and welcoming environment for your spouse

We all want to come home to a loving spouse/ family especially at the end of a busy day of work/ looking after kids

Listen to each other

Listen to hear and taste the feelings. And be present as you listen. One of the biggest communication problems today is we do not listen to understand. We listen to reply.

Make each evening special

It is a sacred time to be enjoyed with both, by both. Share what you are grateful for and give thanks.

#CoupleGoals #FamilyGoals

The home is the domestic Church. Every home is called to become a ‘domestic church’ in which family life is centered in the lordship of Christ and the love of husband and wife mirrors the mystery of Christ’s love for the Church, his bride- Pope Benedict XVI (7 Feb 2007).

Tips inspired by Love, Daily Lessons from God and Worldwide Marriage Encounter Singapore