How will you shape my day today?
I will not question you O Lord
But will put my trust in you
For you are my protector and divine providence
In you I have all that I need
For your love is everlasting and your faithfulness never ending.

I will not question you O Lord
For you are the Great Creator,
You are the source of Life.
When you stretch your right hand,
Mercy and love is bestowed
Hold me Lord in the palm of your hand.

I will not question you O Lord
During times of trial and darkness
For you Lord are my light and my help
You calm the storm and rebuke the wind
Let me listen to your voice and obey you too
My Lord, my healer.

I will not question you O Lord
For you are always there with me
You watch me from day to night
When I am asleep and when I rise
You give me a new day everyday
Filled with your love and grace

I will not question you O Lord.


By: Helen Raj