The readings for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B invite us to be attentive, hear God’s calling, and respond.
What is God’s calling? It is “God’s initiative to bring people to Christ and to participate in his redemptive work in the world”.
In the first reading, God calls young Samuel. God called him three times in the night. He then ran to Eli the first two times, failing to recognise God’s calling to him. However, Eli realised God was calling Samuel and instructed him to respond to the Lord. When he was called again for the third time, Samuel responded to God. His response was simple and humble, “Speak, for your servant is listening.” (1 Samuel 3:9)
After God revealed to him, he continued to respond by learning the word of God and applying what he learned in his daily life. He also persevered in His faith.
In the gospel reading, after hearing John the Baptist called Jesus the “Lamb of God,” two disciples followed Jesus because they were curious and did not mind spending time with the Messiah to get to know Him. Their “yes” to that invitation changed their lives and the Church. After spending time with Jesus, one of the disciples, Andrew, brings his brother Simon to meet Jesus.
By God’s grace, a simple invitation can make a difference.
Their curiosity led the disciples to follow Jesus and better understand Jesus’ identity. Ultimately, their encounters with Jesus converted the disciples.
God is still speaking to His people today, just as He did to Samuel. Are we listening attentively, available, attentive, humble, obedient, and persistently responding to His call?
By Melissa Law