In the first reading of this weekend, Paul acknowledges the immensity of our Father’s existence. An existence that cannot be fathomed. Having this as the background to the gospel as well as the first reading that speaks about the “keys of the house of David” that will be handed to Christ, the Anointed. The question of who Jesus is, is set in a different light.
There was no way that Peter, a fisherman, would have fathomed the depth of the mysteries of the Lord. It was simply beyond him as it would be for us. However, as Jesus said, it was revealed to him divinely and not an act of human endeavour that brought him to this realisation. On our own we can never approach the throne of the Lord. It is foolish to think that we can comprehend the mystery of the Lord. To even grasp the fringes of this truth is a leap in faith. Trust the one who reveals the truth. Peter in his simple mindedness was able to accept this as he did not deliberate this truth with too many questions.
The mystery of the Lord is for us to receive in faith and not for us to be frazzled in searching out the meaning of events and parables as if it all depends on our own efforts.
As it is prophesied in the first reading, so it takes place in the person of Jesus. The “keys to the house of David” is transferred to Jesus and in turn, Jesus hands it on to Peter. This is an act of faith in man for a man who showed an act of faith in the Lord.
To accept that Peter was given such great power is to have that same simple faith as he did in the Lord. Questions leading to further questions that continue in that manner without arriving at an answer that one is satisfied does not show submission to the mysteries that are beyond us but a need to know before accepting that He is Lord.
Be open to the Lord and the mysteries of the Lord will be revealed in time as you mature in your relationship with the Lord. The question of the Lord is not what others think but what do you think. The question the Lord is asking basically is what kind of relationship do you have with him.
Love and adventure,
Fr. Terence