Today we celebrate the solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord. The first thing that came to mind was, this must have been a real “ah ha moment” for the wise people from the east when they discovered child Jesus. The fact of finding Jesus must have brought immense joy and satisfaction for the magi who found him.
In the Gospel, we are drawn to the imagery of the “star” that directed the magi. These were Gentiles and this episode is seen as God’s first manifestation of Jesus to the Gentiles.
As with the First Reading, we hear Isaiah consoling the people in exile to be hopeful as their “light has come” and “at this sight you will glow radiant”. We are asked to follow the brightness of this light just like the star that directed the magi, to where we can eventually enjoy in the splendour of the light, reuniting us to God in his Kingdom.
Therefore, like the people before, we are invited to go with the “star” on a journey, as with a pilgrimage, we “walk” living the life of Christ. We are like the “magi” invited to search, discover and be curious of who Jesus is as we journey to him. When we enter into this journey, we can choose how to react as there will be encounters with people and events that our Father will be revealed in those moments of encounter.
I am heartened to know that we have a choice of how to respond in each encounter. I relish the hope that during each encounter, I can be like the Magi and shepherds who adored and worshiped Jesus.
We turn to the prophet Isaiah who inspires us to rise and shine as one body of Christ. For God wants us to be truly delighting in the fullness of life that he has given to all of us. God gave us his assurance and promise when he told Isaiah that “for though in anger I have struck you, in love I will have mercy on you” (Isaiah 60:10) how privilege and blessed are we who believe and walk on this pilgrimage of faith!
Written by:
Ministry of Lectors