The readings on this 5th Sunday of Lent tells us that God can bring us from death to new life. The First Reading tells us of God’s desire to restore life in us. The Second Reading tells us that if Christ dwells in us, we will have new life as He does.

As we draw near to the end of Lent, today’s Gospel clearly has Jesus’ passion and death in view.

The Gospel of John tells us about Lazarus’ sister, Mary – that she is the one who anointed the Lord for burial (John 12:3,7).  When Lazarus is raised, it is noticed that the tombstone is taken away, as well as Lazarus’ burial cloths and head covering – these details are echoed with Jesus’ empty tomb (John 20:1,6,7).  Lazarus represents humanity.  He stands for a “dead man” – for all those Jesus loves and wants to liberate from the bands of sin and death.  Lazarus’ death is used by Jesus to reveal ‘the glory of God’.

Jesus’ command to ‘rise from the dead’ demonstrates his Lordship and that when we believe in Him, we are totally unbound and free from the things that bind us. If we believe, we will see – that Jesus loves each of us as He loved Lazarus, that He calls us out of death and into new life.

By His Resurrection Jesus has fulfilled Ezekiel’s promise in today’s First Reading.  He has opened the graves that we may rise, put His Spirit in us that we may live.  The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead will give life to we who were once dead in sin.

Faith is the key.  If we believe as Martha does in today’s Gospel, that Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life – even if we die, we will live.  Let us, therefore, doubt no further and believe in Him!

Written By Milly Tan