Let me begin the reflection with this quote from DEUS CARITAS EST by Pope Benedict XVI ‘Being
Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a
person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction.’
In today’s Gospel reading, The Wedding at Cana is the first sign of the wondrous deeds of Jesus. The
passage that strikes me the most is about the transformation of the water. It speaks of the renewal
and abundance that Christ brings into our life. Have we allowed Jesus to transform and renew our
life? Sometimes when we think that the wine has run out, the best is yet to come. Our Father has a
better plan for all of us and he is actively calling and seeking us out. Let us embrace our new
identity and live our life in hope, utilising the gift given to us for the better of others.
Written By: Emmanuel Tan