Jesus teaches his disciples to be forgiving. No limit should be set on the number of times we need to forgive. Jesus tells the parable of the Unforgiving Servant to drive his point.

Jesus demands that we show pity to our fellow servants because Jesus has always shown us mercy. In the community, we need to forgive one another. In this way, we liberate one another from the burdens of the sins of others. When we are told by the offended that they will not bear a grudge and forgive, there will be peace and joy in our hearts. We can begin again without constantly trying to make amendments. In the first reading, the writer gives his take on forgiveness. “Forgive your neighbor’s injustice…” (v 2). A sinner cannot forgive because he wants to hold on to a power that will eventually kill his heart (Mt 18:30). If we consider ourselves as God’s people then mercy, compassion, and forgiveness must flow freely from our hearts. Who are we not to forgive when we have been constantly forgiven?

In the second reading, St. Paul reminds us, Christians, that we do not live or die for ourselves. When we live, it is for Jesus Christ and that means to forgive as he did. Let us imitate Christ who lived and died for us. If he forgives us for crucifying him, we too, should forgive those who offend us.

Written by: Anna