In today’s Gospel, Jesus gives us glimpses of the pathway to heaven by using parables – finding a hidden treasure buried in a field; a pearl trader searching for a pearl of great price; and a large fishing net full of every kind of fish to be sorted. Jesus used these parables to explain and give us a glimpse of the kingdom of God here on earth. How do we recognise these opportunities and more importantly, how do we react to them when they are presented to us?
There are those who spend many years living their lives in the way the world dictates. At each stage of our lives, we are ‘chasing’ different things. In our younger days, we focus on achieving good grades in school. Through our working years, we are busy climbing the corporate ladder, chasing after promotions and pay raises, beautiful houses and luxurious holidays. When we retire, we then come to a realization and start catching-up towards finding the treasure of heaven. By then, have we become expert at finding the earthly gems, such that we will not even recognize that great pearl of heaven when it appears in front of us?
How do we begin looking for that great pearl?
We can start by asking God for the right things in our prayers. In the first reading, when the Lord appeared to Solomon and said “Ask what you want me to give you” (1 Kings 3:5), Solomon already knew the treasure he was looking for and asked God for the wisdom to discern between good and evil. Proverbs 3:13-15 tells us “Happy the one who finds wisdom and gains insight. For she is of more value than silver and more useful than gold. She is more precious than pearls; nothing you could wish for would compare with her.”
We can next look within ourselves and “declutter”, removing excess “baggage” that we have accumulated over the many years. The second reading from Rom 8:28-30 emphasizes the call to break off from sin and for us to be weaned from the world and become closer to God. “Do not store up treasures for yourself here, on earth, where moth and rust destroy it; and where thieves can steal it. Store up treasures for yourself with God, where no moth or rust can destroy it, nor thief come and steal it.” (Mt 6:19-20) When we set ourselves apart from worldly desires, our focus becomes set on heaven and we can then build a stronger relationship with God.
Armed with the right frame of mind; in asking for wisdom and storing up heavenly treasures, the ability to recognize the hidden treasure or great pearl, when it appears before us becomes clearer. Recognising this hidden treasure or great pearl is but only the first step for only with sacrifice can we truly acquire it. This is akin to “selling everything we have” and following our hearts to find our true happiness. The journey comes with knowing what you are looking for, and what you do once you have found it. “For where your treasure is, there also, will your heart be.” (Mt 6:21).
Let us use the gift of time that the Lord has given to seek out the kingdom of heaven. For what good is it if we spend a lifetime chasing after worldly treasures, but miss out on the true treasure? May we, like King Solomon, ask God for the wisdom to discern the right path that will lead us in goodness and towards heaven.
Leon Chng, Victor Chua, Mervyn & Christine Wong