The exam fever is around the corner and its a challenging and stressful time for all ages of students no matter how old you are. The pressure is immense and and the to do list are never ending. Some of us even gets so anxious that they have butterflies in the stomach as one places value on the exam grades. The exam is the determination of the hard work you have put in throughout the year and how much knowledge one have assumed through the books.

In the midst of the mounting stress and buried in books, We tend to forget Jesus is always with us, he is always fighting for us. In our success and struggles, the Lord has never failed us and never gave up on us.

There are tips below that can guide the students through this season of exam fever


A prayer for final exam:

Lord,  I come to you with my open heart. I trust that when I put my faith in you, miracles can be accomplished.

I pray that as I study in these coming weeks, as I read and process and all the knowledge, that you would be renewing my mind and strengthening my spirit. Help me to persevere through the massive memorizing and the busy schedules, and help me to keep my eyes fixed on you throughout it all.

Thank you for the gift of education and knowledge, I pray that these final exams would be a celebration of all I have learned in this season, and that I would be grateful for all that I have experienced and for all the ways I have grown.


In Jesus Name We Pray




Posters by Youth Community

Written by Kelly Gabrielle Loh